Is a dog for life, or is it to chew up your children?

All dogs are potential killers, what more is there to say?I don't wish to be offensive I just want to point out that all dogs are dangerous despite what the owner/trainer may say. All dogs never mind their breed can turn and so all dogs should be kept…

    Is a dog for life, or is it to chew up your children?

    All dogs are potential killers, what more is there to say?I don't wish to be offensive I just want to point out that all dogs are dangerous despite what the owner/trainer may say. All dogs never mind their breed can turn and so all dogs should be kept…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Is a dog for life, or is it to chew up your children?...

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    • Is a dog for life, or is it to chew up your children?

      Is a dog for life, or is it to chew up your children? Dogs Training Discussions
      All dogs are potential killers, what more is there to say?I don't wish to be offensive I just want to point out that all dogs are dangerous despite what the owner/trainer may say. All dogs never mind their breed can turn and so all dogs should be kept away from children. How often do we see the question, When will dog owners learn?Dog owners are misguided by thinking that their dogs will never hurt anybody.No joke and no offence, I just keep reading about kids getting killed by dogs. I also keep hearing the same old, "My dog would never hurt anybody" Wrong. How naive is it to think anyone knows whether a dog will turn nasty. The truth is you don't know. End of story really.

      Is a dog for life, or is it to chew up your children?

      Is a dog for life, or is it to chew up your children? Dogs Training Discussions
    • All living things feed on death.More children are killed by their parents than by dogs.Edit: I'll agree that dogs and kids should never be together unsupervised. That's only common sense. My dogs are very gentle and love children, but I would never leave them alone with kids, too easy for accidents to happen.

    • A dog will not be a killer if you teach him/her to be a lover. Dogs that are killers are raised that way by their owners. Teach your dog the right things to do.

    • So are all humans... and was there really any need for your non-question today, other than to upset people who have watched the news?Edit after seeing your added comment: I do understand what you're saying, but I thought the way you said phrased it was a bit off.

    • I think your question is a bit repugnant in light of recent news! Have some thought for the people who have been traumatised in this situation.Yes, all dogs are potential killers. Some more than others though. As much as anyone loves their dog, they should never leave anything to trust. I have a loving spaniel, but I'm always very wary when children are around, just incase.

    • That is absolutely not true. Not all dogs are potential killers. Think of toy breeds, their mouths are not even big enough to fit any of your vital body parts, nor are their jaws strong enough to do much damage. Also, yes, dogs have hunting instincts. Back in the wild, they did kill prey, but they rely on you for their food and have no reason to kill you. If you are worried about your kids being around dogs, then don't get a pit bull or a pincher. Get a dog that is more known to be friendly. If you ask people that have dogs, I bet you'll have a hard time finding one whose dog is a biter. It's not all that common.

    • Dogs do as they have learned to do. If you train a dog to be mean, it will be mean. If you raise it right, usually they will be fine family dogs. No dogs should be left alone with very small children. They should always be supervised.

    • the child was probably teasing the dog like many young kids do and was unfortunate enough to tease a vicious breed of dog and it obviously flipped and attacked.

    • All dogs are potential killers, that said all humans are potential killers. It is all a state of mind, if there is a instability in the mind of an animal, then it can misunderstand commands or gestures, and become aggressive. Anyone who owns an animal must understand its triggers, and how it could react in most if not all situations. Is the animal scared of loud noises, many are, and if stressed it could become aggressive if it feels cornered, and will try anything to escape. Also the training of the animal is important, is the owner heavy handed or kind, etc. Many factors come into play, so please think about every angle before condemning any animal for its behaviour.If we do not look after the animals who will. Plus Britain is known as a nation of animal lovers, isn't it about time we proved it...?

    • Kirsty- it is ignorance like that that make people like you more dangerous than ANY dog out there. You're little dog has just as much potential of attacking someone as any other dog is so don't be ignorant and blame a breed of dog. Are you a racist as well? I always wonder that about people who like to single out a breed of dog instead of realizing that a dog is a dog and a HUMAN will make them whatever way that they are. Don't buy into the media so much.This whole "comment" made by the original poster was completely pointless and childish. So stupid...

    • Im sorry buddy but you are incorrect. Yes, I am a dog owner and yes, I do believe my dog would never hurt any one! He is always around little kids babies even and he is VERY tolerant. Ofcource someone is always there to watch and tell the kids if he is annoyed or not but we have only had to do that once MAYBE twice in the 6 years that we have had him! The reason was was because the kid kept yanking his leg! So a dog is for life! NOT to use to chew up children! That is sick! I don't know if i like you very much! Im just saying......

    • Well as the first answer said human beings are just the same. We can be nice but turn when something annoys us or makes us angry. Some of these dogs are trained to be nasty. I also think the press has been focusing on certain breeds which isn't fair! But you are right in saying all dogs can be nasty but I rephrase that can be said for many animals and living things.

    • i am sorry i have to disagree with you. i have a daughter who is special needs and wheelchair bound and 2 boys, we got our dog at 6 weeks of age she is now 2 and half. she is the most fun loving dog anyone can have she sleeps in the same room as my daughter and comes to fetch me if there are any problems.owners who have dogs should never keep thier children away from them that way the dog grows up with the fact i not sorry like i put on the beginning, people like you have to much to say and if you cant say sensible things why bother.