What emotions do you think canines are capable of?

Can they simply feel the more basic emotions of happiness, sadness, anger and fear or is a canine capable of feeling more elaborate higher emotions?

    What emotions do you think canines are capable of?

    Can they simply feel the more basic emotions of happiness, sadness, anger and fear or is a canine capable of feeling more elaborate higher emotions?...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What emotions do you think canines are capable of?...

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    • What emotions do you think canines are capable of?

      What emotions do you think canines are capable of? Dogs Training Discussions
      Can they simply feel the more basic emotions of happiness, sadness, anger and fear or is a canine capable of feeling more elaborate higher emotions?

      What emotions do you think canines are capable of?

      What emotions do you think canines are capable of? Dogs Training Discussions
    • I would like to think that there is more to a dogs emotion than what has been written.Remorse? maybe...sometimes I see it on Ceasars face when he's been caught being naughty.Impatience? DefinitelyGreed? absolutely

    • I think that dogs feel the same range of emotions that humans do, but in a much more basic way (like a little kid; 4-year-olds feel anger, happiness, frustration, excitement, etc. but in a somewhat simpler way).

    • Our dog knows that if we throw his toy and he brings it back, that we will take it . He doesn't want us to do that so he will fetch once and then take the toy to his bed. He knows by past experience. This is just reasoning on his part. Also our dogs have long term memory. Our cousin comes over about every other month. They still know her and are excited to see her. They have long term memory.Also they are extra cuddly if we have had a bad day. They pick up on feelings. Dogs also can pick up on anxiety of their owners.

    • They definitely have very strong emotions but they experience emotions differently than humans. If you say a dog is angry, or happy, or in love, you are using human words to describe what you see, and yes, dogs do experience something similar to love but it is more closely tied to their survival instinct and their need to bond to humans as a means of survival.

    • a dog can feel just as many emotions as the owner or the person it likes best it takes a lot of love when they are puppies but when they are trained they will be like your clone but much furrier lol

    • Dogs can feel joy, fear, anger, grief, jealousy, confusion, etc. Dogs emotions aren't on the same level as humans. But they can feel most of the same emotions as us. Just by watching my dogs interact I notice their reactions. When one finally "realizes" something, when one dog realizes she's done something wrong or silly, and even frustration! Dogs are more complex then people give them credit for.

    • I honestly don't think dogs feel anger or sadness (sadness as in "Man we didn't play ball today, I'm gonna go mope"). An angry dog would be a dog with a grudge, I don't believe in dogs holding grudges. They do have a decent memory though, so they may SEEM to hold a grudge against somebody they remember doing something they disliked (the vet comes to mind!), but if that person took an assertive role and understood canine behavior that person should be able to calm the dog down and put it back in it's place, that's not anger, that's not a grudge. As far as happiness and sadness (sadness as in physically and mentally distraught over losing an owner/companion) goes. Maybe maybe not. Some people say their dogs mourned the death of one of their other dogs and so on and so forth, but I haven't seen it personally so I won't comment. Fear isn't an emotion, it's tangible and necessary, it's an instinct. I think pretty much all animals are capable of fear!

    • I remember reading somewhere that a study done showed dogs had the same/very similar chemical responses to stimuli as humans and thus they felt the same/similar emotions in those situations. They came to the conclusion that dogs could feel at least basic emotions. I can't find the reference though, so perhaps it was not a very credible study...anyway, I think they can feel at least fear, anger, sadness, and joy. Perhaps they can feel jealousy and I hope they can feel love, but those (and other "secondary" emotions) are very hard to prove and observe in animals.

    • Your question presumes that dogs can "feel" at all. Emotions are conscious mental reactions that are subjectively experienced. I believe dogs can think -- you can "see" them thinking -- but I don't believe they can feel since they don't have the capacity for subjectivity/identity/ individuality, i.e. "I, me". Their instincts can be threatened resulting in stress and unbalanced states but, "feel"...no. For instance, what we perceive as jealousy in dogs is probably merely competition for pack status -- instinct.

    • from my experience with labradors i have to say that they are quite capable of indicating clearly anything that strikes them as odd. they know when your sad and will always try to cheer you up. and they do a better job than humans. they are ever so responsive.,and will remind you of things you might have forgotten otherwise. they are very much human in perception and better . if you really think about it you will have to admit that it is the humans that are only capable of basic emotions

    • People will disagree I know but I feel that dogs can feel alot more than we give them credit for.AngerHateFearLoveAffections alotCompassion for us when we are sad or sickThey can express themselves in so many different ways..You can tell it in their body expressions and eyes.they are not stupid at all..