How to find a cat that we can here meowing?

We live on a farm and for the past 2 days we have heard this cat meowing in the mornings and occasional throughout the day but we can't seem to find it. It stops meowing once it here's our dog bark. We have looked in all outer buildings and left food out…

    How to find a cat that we can here meowing?

    We live on a farm and for the past 2 days we have heard this cat meowing in the mornings and occasional throughout the day but we can't seem to find it. It stops meowing once it here's our dog bark. We have looked in all outer buildings and left food out…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How to find a cat that we can here meowing?...

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    • How to find a cat that we can here meowing?

      How to find a cat that we can here meowing? Dogs Training Discussions
      We live on a farm and for the past 2 days we have heard this cat meowing in the mornings and occasional throughout the day but we can't seem to find it. It stops meowing once it here's our dog bark. We have looked in all outer buildings and left food out for it but we can't seem to coax it out. Our neighbours don't have cats so it isn't coming from their houses.Where else should we look?Why won't it come out?How can we get it to come out?And why would it keep meowing?Thanks if you can answer any of these questions

      How to find a cat that we can here meowing?

      How to find a cat that we can here meowing? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Have you tried looking up? as cats often climb up a tree only to find they cannot get down again,something may have startled it like a dogs bark it then ran up a tree for safety,perhaps take your dog out on a leash as usually a dog will lead you to where the scent of the cat is,if all fails then try the RSPCA and tell them you suspect a trapped cat,does it sound stressed such as a panic sound to its meow or is it a weak meow? look behind walls too it may have gone into an old rabbits hole,It wont come out as its either trapped or scared as it can hear your dog barking.The more you try the more it will hide that is if it is able to come out.It keeps meowing as its calling out because of fear.Hope this helps..

    • gonna have to keep the dog away while you search. meow back, meow as a question in response to the cat (meow?) and keep communicating while you search.There are many reasons it could be meowing, but one is that it needs help. 2 days is a long time for a cat to need help. It could be a feral that is looking for a home, a safe place that provides food. Or it could be one in heat. Might be stuck in a wall or someplace it got into but cannot get out.

    • I know this sound odd but meow back at the cat. This is how i find my cat, if he meows, i mimick his tone, and he comes out of hiding. also, when they meow back at you, you can listen to where the sound is coming from and follow it. If you cant see it, try leaving a bit of food out ( keep your dog inside) if i comes out for the food, you know it isn't stuck. As it is a stay, it will try its very hardest to find the food, so it will only not come out if it is trapped or stuck. you will know now if it is definitely stuck or just hanging around the farm. if it is stuck, have another look, before calling the rspca, reporting a stuck cat somewhere on your property.Try looking up. on trees, on the roof- anywhere that it could have got stuck. check behind walls, in corners of buildings and in any nooks and crannys. I think this cat could be injured, so check around any barbed wire fences you might have or anywhere else it could get injured, like snares or traps ( if you have them) remember, if the cats injured, it going to want to hide. try thinking like animal to find it.Good luck x

    • i know this might sound odd but your best bet is to put your dog on a lead and take your dog and he will give you an idea where the cat is. If it is stuck somewhere well its not going to run anywhere and that way your dog might be able to sniff him out. Then if it does seam to be stuck and you've found it call the SPCA to help it. Don,t what ever you do try to pull it free yourself as you or the cat could get hurt if its feral

    • The cat might be calling for a mate, and will call on and off for a week or so, or it could be just lost and frightened. (people think if they dump an unwanted cat near a farm it will be OK) I'd keep leaving food and call "kitty kitty"as you put the dish down, and eventually it will associate your voice with food.