What is the average age a half-breed dog lives until ?

My dog is 8 years old. And I fear he may only have 3-4 years left in him. I don't want to see him go.

    What is the average age a half-breed dog lives until ?

    My dog is 8 years old. And I fear he may only have 3-4 years left in him. I don't want to see him go....
    Dogs Training Discussions : What is the average age a half-breed dog lives until ?...

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    • What is the average age a half-breed dog lives until ?

      What is the average age a half-breed dog lives until ? Dogs Training Discussions
      My dog is 8 years old. And I fear he may only have 3-4 years left in him. I don't want to see him go.

      What is the average age a half-breed dog lives until ?

      What is the average age a half-breed dog lives until ? Dogs Training Discussions
    • It depends on the breeds, the condition of the dog, its diet, its overall health and its exercise. When our dog reached about 10, I was sure she would only have one or two years left, but she lived to be 17. She was a Lab mix. She had lots of walks, was happy in the family and we also let her have vegetable leftovers from peelings and such. Each dog is different. Give your dog bones to chew on, and glucosamine to help the joints. Brush the teeth since there is bacteria that builds up on the tarter and can cause problems.

    • It depends on the size of the dog mostly, some breeds of different sizes have different lifespans, but size is normally the rule of thumb. Giant: 100+ lbs These guys tend to live to be between 8-10 years old. Large: 70-99lbsTypically live to be about 9-12Medium: 30-59 lbsTypically live to be about 10-15Small: less than 30lbsUsually live to be around 13-17Weights and years are approximate. Every dog is different, some will live longer, some will not live as long.

    • I'd expect a half-breed to live 12-14 years or longer if he's smallish. There is a hybrid vigour element here which should protect him from breed specific problems. By 15 or 16 most dogs are showing their age though and will let you know they need to slow down.

    • I think Holly has it right it has more to do with size than breed IMHO So go by size. You have to also take other things in to consideration health, exercise, what you feed, environment, does the dog stress? etc.

    • Our lovable mutt Lucky, lived til 15 yrs old. This was in the late 80's before we knew what was bad for them. He ate Purina One, cookies,, ice cream, etc. And he was part shep/doberman, so he was a lge dog.

    • It depends on a lot of factors - smaller dogs tend to live longer, dogs who are well-cared-for tend to live longer, dogs with good genetics tend to live longer, etc.If your dog is a large breed, then anything from about 10-13 is a great lifespan.For a medium breed, it is fairly common in well-bred dogs to get closer to 12-14.For a small breed, the upper teens are within reach with great genetics.Enjoy the time you have, don't borrow trouble, there will be plenty of time to mourn later, right now, take the time to appreciate the time that you have.