Neighbors dog is a cat killer and is out of control?

Our neighbor has a jack russel that she just lets run free around our communal garden, the garden belongs collectively to everyone who lives on the street so it is technically allowed. However the dog has killed 2 cats out of the 5 that live on our…

    Neighbors dog is a cat killer and is out of control?

    Our neighbor has a jack russel that she just lets run free around our communal garden, the garden belongs collectively to everyone who lives on the street so it is technically allowed. However the dog has killed 2 cats out of the 5 that live on our…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Neighbors dog is a cat killer and is out of control?...

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    • Neighbors dog is a cat killer and is out of control?

      Neighbors dog is a cat killer and is out of control? Dogs Training Discussions
      Our neighbor has a jack russel that she just lets run free around our communal garden, the garden belongs collectively to everyone who lives on the street so it is technically allowed. However the dog has killed 2 cats out of the 5 that live on our street in the past month and sh*its all over the lawn. The woman is very aggressive. What can I do because i fear for the life of my own cat?

      Neighbors dog is a cat killer and is out of control?

      Neighbors dog is a cat killer and is out of control? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Call your animal control unit or humane society and report this - private no name - if possible. Hopefully someone will come out and make a report against this dog and warn the owner. Any time the dog is loose and kills another cat then it should be reported again. Best to keep your cat inside as long as this dog is around. Don't try to confront the owner either. Many people do not want to get involved but if you are willing then the neighbor cats win. Good luck!

    • CALL ANIMAL CONTROL! Despite it being a community garden, this is NOT COOL. Her dog clearly isn't good for the community, nor is she being a respectful or responsible pet owner! Even just the dog poop everywhere is gross...but killing other peoples' beloved pets is insane. Why is she letting it get away with this?? How would she feel if it were her dog under attack?If she won't listen to her community, or even to common sense, then you need to take it a step further.Thank you for posting this!

    • Even if it is a communal garden, there should be rules about not having dogs run loose shouldn't there? It honestly depends on the area that you live, because different counties, states, countries etc., all have different rules about pets being on leashes and animal control. First and foremost, I would keep your cat inside as much as possible. If you can't speak to the owner of the dog, I would call your local humane society or animal control and see what they recommend. In some areas, police will even cover that sort of thing, but most have some sort of animal control that should be contacted first.

    • And your question is?Its a breed with high prey drive, the dog is killing cats. Big deal. Its what dogs do and since its confined to a yard there is nothing you can do about it other then to be a responsible owner and keep your cat indoors where it belongsIf you dont then tough. The moment you become an irresponsible owner and let the cat roam then you have no say what happens to it. If this dog doenst kill your cat then another dog will or a car will. And it still be your fault no matter what becouse you allowed the cat to roamThere's nothing illegal at all about the dog killing cats. "What can I do because i fear for the life of my own cat?"Keep your cat indoors where it belongs. Simple as that., If you dont then there's nothing youc an do other then accept the fact you were irresponsible and it was your fault that the cat diesAC wont' do anything becouse the dog is confined to the yard and a danger to no one. And dont whine about the dog crap. The cats are crapping every where and spreading diseases and parasites so that's far more unsainty then the dog's crap.

    • The dog's behavior is totally unacceptable and it's only a matter before the animal attacks and hurts a child. Dogs that go after other animals that are not threatening them in any way are aggressive and they will go after people if their behavior is allowed to continue, The woman needs to keep her dog tied up. Try talking to her first and if she doesn't do anything, then call animal control. She probably lets the dog run loose because she can't deal with it. Too many people get dogs because they think they are cute or they liked what they saw when these breeds were featured in movies and TV shows and don't bother to research the breed. Jack Russell terriers are cute dogs but they are hyper, aggressive, and destructive. I would suggest talking with your other neighbors. I'm sure they also have complained about the dog.