Can anyone help me regarding a jack russell?

he is about 7 years old and he is a rescue dog, he has settled in with us now but on leaving the house with him or on returning when i take me coat off on etc or even when i am walking up to my sons school and tie his lead by the school gates just to…

    Can anyone help me regarding a jack russell?

    he is about 7 years old and he is a rescue dog, he has settled in with us now but on leaving the house with him or on returning when i take me coat off on etc or even when i am walking up to my sons school and tie his lead by the school gates just to…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Can anyone help me regarding a jack russell?...

    • Can anyone help me regarding a jack russell?

      Can anyone help me regarding a jack russell? Dogs Training Discussions
      he is about 7 years old and he is a rescue dog, he has settled in with us now but on leaving the house with him or on returning when i take me coat off on etc or even when i am walking up to my sons school and tie his lead by the school gates just to walk my son to the entrance he goes mental... he just goes ballitic does anyone know how i can stop him doing this as he only does it on those occasions?nope i mean ballistic its not excitment!!

      Can anyone help me regarding a jack russell?

      Can anyone help me regarding a jack russell? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Wow interesting. My dog does that because he is happy. My friend's dog does that and she feels like she isn't loved enough. She never spends time with her dog and plays with her. It seems like you love your dog a lot so maybe the dog just needs a friend? another dog? or maybe just some more attention. That is all I can help you with hope this helps.

    • It sounds like he's afraid you're going to leave him, which is a normal fear for a shelter dog. Kudos to you for saving him from a shelter, but like many shelter dogs, this one's got issues. It seems like he's pretty new to your family, so it may just take some time before he realizes that just because you leave him doesn't mean you're never coming back. Do you ever take him with you for rides in the car? It may be that he is afraid for what will happen to you when he's not around to protect you. A ride around the block in the car every few days might help put his mind at ease until he calms down. Jack's are loyal and protective, and it sounds like he was in a home that wasn't very loyal to him in return. Good luck

    • Perhaps he feels the need to protect you, and presumably he's barking so that's maybe his way of warning you of all the dangers that you might face! Bless him, he might also just think you're going to leave him somewhere. As a rescue dog it's probably happened once already. Who knows what's going through his mind?

    • sounds like separation anxiety, could be he was left on his own for long periods of time, possibly days at a time, or tied up and abandoned and is worried that it will happen again, eventually he should learn that you come back to him and that you do love him. when you come back he goes mad as he is just glad to see that you have come back to be with him.but if it is really bad seek advice from your vet, you may be referred to an animal psychologistjust keep showing him he is loved, which i'm sure you all do, good luck i hope you can get to the root of this problem and get it sorted

    • Many rescue dogs suffer from abandonment anxiety. It takes a long time for them to recover from having been left behind. When you get a rescue dog, they often come with baggage. The best thing is to start with a basic obedience course at a local training school. Once you have the basics under control you can use them to lessen the anxiety.For instance, use the sit-stay in one room and leave the room for only a few seconds, increasing the amount of time each time that you use the exercise. When you return to the room, praise him lavishly for having stayed. You can graduate to using the down-stay in the same manner, eventually stepping outside, for only a short time at first. The same will apply to leaving him tethered for even a short time on the gate at your son's school. Time and patience and repetition is the only formula to help him overcome this problem.

    • Hi, your dog can't differentiate that you are just leaving your son at the entrance to the school and feels that he is being abandoned - I don't know what has happened prior to you rehoming him. Are you able to leave him at home while you take your son to school? Alternatively, is your son old enough to walk to the entrance while you watch and hold your dog's lead at the school gates?

    • because he's been rescued, he was probably abandoned as a puppy. Hes just scared your going to leave him. he'll get used to it. Leave your handbag with him to look after. He'll know your coming back then!not really, i was just joking about the hand bag thing! ;¬)

    • try teaching him to sit, and then to sit and stay.i know this should strange, but by doing this you always go back to him and give him lots of fuss and maybe a treat when he does it well and stays calm and quiet.they training may take a while, and don't try it in the situations until training has should get him to wait quietly for the time it takes you to take your boy to school. when you have finished the training then start by seeing if the command works when doing the coat thing. if it works there then try it when at the school.I hope this all makes sense and you can see where i am coming from