How does your dog/cat react at the vet?

Judge was amazing when we took him. The only reason he was running to get out and back to the car was because the whole place smells like dogs, and Judge is agressive toward dogs out of fear. He was really nice and didn't bother the other dogs that were…

    How does your dog/cat react at the vet?

    Judge was amazing when we took him. The only reason he was running to get out and back to the car was because the whole place smells like dogs, and Judge is agressive toward dogs out of fear. He was really nice and didn't bother the other dogs that were…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How does your dog/cat react at the vet?...

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    • How does your dog/cat react at the vet?

      How does your dog/cat react at the vet? Dogs Training Discussions
      Judge was amazing when we took him. The only reason he was running to get out and back to the car was because the whole place smells like dogs, and Judge is agressive toward dogs out of fear. He was really nice and didn't bother the other dogs that were there amazingly. When he got his shots, he didn't cry or anything! AND he had to get three. Actually he looked more annoyed, because the vet's assistant was hugging him tight and giving him kisses to make him feel better lol. Afterwards, he got some cookies, and he smelled them suspiciously to make sure there was nothing wrong with them, then gobbled them up. He did incredibly well, especially since we didn't get a chance to bring a stool sample and they had to make him give one. Plus there were blood tests and other things, so he had a rough time. Yet he was wonderful there!Judge was a shelter dog so his fear of other dogs is due to his past. We keep him away from other dogs since something like this is very hard to train out. I do give him exposure to other dogs in a safe environment but it's not often possible.

      How does your dog/cat react at the vet?

      How does your dog/cat react at the vet? Dogs Training Discussions
    • My dogs think they have a job at the vet's office - that of official greeter. The first thing they do is run behind the receptionist's desk to get their treat, then they make the rounds, saying hello to anyone and everyone in there who's friendly. They actually think going to the vet is a fun outing!

    • My puppy always wants to go and play with the other dogs that are there. She is also very good with getting shots and knows that when she is all done she gets a treat. The only problem we have is getting her to stay on the scale because she just wants to play. My parents dog came from a shelter and he is terrified of the vet he usually goes pee on the floor as soon as we get in the door and tries to hide under my dad's chair which is hard for him because he is a big dog.

    • Mine usually walk in and get all excited over the staff like they're long lost friends they haven't seen in 20 years. They get a little impatient with tests, Max really hates blood draws, he's a big dog so it takes 3 or 4 of us to make him hold still. But once that's over he goes back to Hey I haven't seen you in 20 years, let me slobber all over you to make up for it. LOL

    • My dog hates going to the vet. She hates going to the groomer too. The minute we start to walk in the door and she smells where we are, she doesn't want to go in. She doesn't misbehave but she doesn't want to go in.

    • Hi. It sounds like you have one WONDERFUL PUP! I have four Sheltie pups and all act differently.One is very shy and sweet and she just wants it over with.She wants to go home immediately.One is very hyper and he too wants to leave as soon as we arrived.Two will find the door to the other pups...greet them then head into the waiting room and sit on the PEOPLE CHAIRS, while the other two are getting their shots. LOL It's very funny.Sounds to me like you have socialized your pup very well and are an exceptional pet owner. Good for you and here's a star for your question.Have a terrific weekend. Blessings, PattiHi again...please don't listen to your second answer on are doing terrific with your pup!

    • My male dog is in love with my vet! First he finds his car in the parking lot then he eagerly trots inside. He is happy to see everyone but when he sees the vet he covers him with kisses and follows him everywhere. It's as if I do not exist! My girl is more hesitant but enjoys the expereince as well. She is more tentative to leave my side for additional tests.

    • I have two dogs, both like the one in my pic.One has seizures regularly so he needs to visit the vet more often. I always bring the second along for the ride and companionship. The one that needs to go, hates the vet, doesn't want to be there period. The other loves being there, so much so that he won't leave until he gets his turn on the examination table.So when we are done with the first one, I have to pick him up, put him on the table, and pretend to look him over. And, only after that does he quiet down enough to leave happily. He leaves the doctors with smiles on their faces.