What do you think of the Ellen Degeneres & Mutts and Moms situation?

If it bothers you Stephanie....just don't respond. I think you need an EASY button. :)Stacey --- same thing to you!

    What do you think of the Ellen Degeneres & Mutts and Moms situation?

    If it bothers you Stephanie....just don't respond. I think you need an EASY button. :)Stacey --- same thing to you!...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What do you think of the Ellen Degeneres & Mutts and Moms situation?...

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    • What do you think of the Ellen Degeneres & Mutts and Moms situation?

      What do you think of the Ellen Degeneres & Mutts and Moms situation? Dog Breed Discussions
      If it bothers you Stephanie....just don't respond. I think you need an EASY button. :)Stacey --- same thing to you!

      What do you think of the Ellen Degeneres & Mutts and Moms situation?

      What do you think of the Ellen Degeneres & Mutts and Moms situation? Dog Breed Discussions
    • she breached the damn contract. the shelter had the right to take the dog. ellen was too lazy to pick up the phone and ask the shelter if it was ok. all she had to do was inform them of what is happening. i also think people should quit asking and search for other questions that r the exact same thingEDIT: honestly if u would just click on the search bar and type in what ur searching u will find literally THOUSANDS of questions that r exactly the same. and if u cant take other people's opinions then u shouldnt ask the damn question

    • I think that Ellen had her heart in the right place, and that the dog agency should have checked out the new house, and then if the dog was safe, let it go. Its not about Ellen, or the little girl, but about the welfare of the dog, and yes she breached the contract, but if she found a good home for the animal she should have contacted the shelter and let them know what she had done.

    • I know Ellen technically broke the contract (actually, TMZ.com is reporting that Portia signed the contract). But that woman from the dog place is power hungry. It could have been handled A LOT differently!!! Doesn't she have other dogs that she could place?I also question the "rescue" status of Mutts and Moms. Not many "rescues" have 4 month old pure-bred puppies to give away. I feel really bad for Ellen and for the dog. I hope they can come to some agreement. Obviously Mutts and Moms has broken rules before (like not even doing a home inspection when Ellen and Portia got the dog!), so it seems to me that they could have inspected the home Ellen chose and decided the matter based on that.Remember to spay and neuter your pets!!! :)

    • i think katskan is right, ellen could have dealt with it privately but she chose to use "her power" and air it to the public. i've heard, on the radio, that the organization has been threatened by viewers and ellen's own pr people after the airing. this jst is another notch on what celebrates do to get their way. what makes them, celebrates, think that they can jst renig on ANY contract? who gave them option to not follow by rules and contracts? small organizations and/or non profit organizations who try to do the good thing are always getting shut down or a bad rep from celebs that don't or can't do the right thing.

    • Considering that few people really know what that dog went through prior to Ellen adopting it, I think everyone should chill out and let the rescue do it's job. If after having the dog for a few months the child was bit in the face, they probably would have sued the rescue for "allowing" it to be placed in a home with kids under 14. Typical media blitzing the wrong stories. Too bad they don't invest their time on puppy mill stories.

    • I feel sorry for the family of the hair dresser. I saw the little girl on tv she is so sad. I dislike M&M immensly for taking the dog away but I'm not going to be dumb enough to send them a death threat like many idiots have done. I wish Ellen would sue then just for spite.Also the lawyer who is representing M&M was such a snot on the interview I really have a low opinion of the agency. In a very snotty way he said Ellen was being a brat and was using her power. What a snotty jerk. I doubt the hairdresser will get the dog back unless Ellen hires a good lawyer to beat the snot. I wish she would. I don't like snotty lawyers.

    • first off Ellen is cool in my book. hey i somewhat understand the kennel or who ever is keeping the scraggly dog(come on have you seen this rat with a hippy wig?)but Ellen has bank,and so does the lady that Ellen gave the mutt to.They are chicken shit for doing what they have done,but the other two can buy another dog. It was adopted,right? how can you bond to a dog in a couple of days anyway?go buy a dog a nice one,come on they can afford a champion bloodline.

    • Tom is right. I am a firm believer all rules should be subject to the pet. This pet apparently was fine with an 11 and 12 year old. My kid was drawing blood by the time she was twelve for HW tests. SHe can handle animals better than most adults. First attacked by the time she was twelve. (She handled it better than me!!!) She kept it off her great. It is a control matter. If you don't make the dog and its needs priority you are not rescueing!!Most little dogs don't do well with litlle (LITTLE) kids but i have one now that LOVES THEM I think

    • I saw the owner of Mutts and Moms on the news last night. She was understandably angry over all the calls and e-mails she's gotten, including death threats. What bothered me most about this woman though was her vindictiveness when she said that after all this, she was NOT returning that puppy to the family Ellen gave it to. Who's she think she's punishing by this? The puppy? The kids who loved it? Way to go - so-called rescues like this are sure to keep all the BYB and puppy mills in business. Having a blanket policy that no dog can go to a home with kids under 14 is blatantly ridiculous! Kids and dogs belong together - providing the parents have common sense, of course. My son was walking one of my afghan hounds when he was 4 years old! He learned about feeding them way before that. He learned how to pet a dog before he was 1 - and with all the hair an afghan has, that was a necessity for the dogs' sakes!This rescue is unfortunately making people think twice about adopting from any rescue.

    • Moms & Mutts is too extreme. They may bring bad reputations to rescue groups. Instead of taking Iggy back, they can visit the hairdresser's home and make sure that Iggy is living in a good home and close the case. Now, people all over the country know about them, but this is bad publicity. We have difficulty for having people to adopt animals from the shelters, being more controlling doesn't do anything good.

    • Honestly i think that was highly uncalled for . If the dog has a loving and caring home and the children adored and loved the dog why would you take the dog back to the agency ? Its just common sense . But most people dont use that today . I feel sorry for the girls and Ellen because she was just trying to find the little dog a home because he was being alittle rambunctious , she even spent $3000 on the dog itself ??? If thats not true love for the dog then i dont know what is .. If you are dumb enough to take a dog back after it is in a great home then you'll get a bad reputation and bad publicity . If it was my rescue i'd let them keep the little dog and all they would have to do is sign a couple of things and re adopt the dog out . They'll eventually get a very bad rep because it is about to begin ...