How do I get my brother's puppy to stop biting my dog?

My dog is a Jack Russell and he's 4 years old. My brother recently brought home a puppy and that puppy has started biting my dog around his neck and on his tail. The puppy hasn't broken the skin yet, but I'm afraid as it gets bigger it will. I've…

    How do I get my brother's puppy to stop biting my dog?

    My dog is a Jack Russell and he's 4 years old. My brother recently brought home a puppy and that puppy has started biting my dog around his neck and on his tail. The puppy hasn't broken the skin yet, but I'm afraid as it gets bigger it will. I've…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do I get my brother's puppy to stop biting my dog?...

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    • How do I get my brother's puppy to stop biting my dog?

      How do I get my brother's puppy to stop biting my dog? Dogs Training Discussions
      My dog is a Jack Russell and he's 4 years old. My brother recently brought home a puppy and that puppy has started biting my dog around his neck and on his tail. The puppy hasn't broken the skin yet, but I'm afraid as it gets bigger it will. I've tried the bitter tasting spray, but it just doesn't work. How do I make the puppy stop using my dog as a chew toy?

      How do I get my brother's puppy to stop biting my dog?

      How do I get my brother's puppy to stop biting my dog? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Ok, this may sound a little mean, but a squirt gun or spray bottle can stop the behavior, spray the dog only when he is doing "naughty" behavior like biting your poor bud. Also try to distract the puppy with other toys and give him lots of praise when he plays nice and does a behavior that you want.

    • My ex-husband would say 'knock the crap out of it!' But I think it would be better to use the rolled up paper routine. Don't hit the puppy, hit your hand and yell "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"......that should help.

    • I had the same experience with my dogs. When the little one arrived in the house she wanted to be the dominant and was constantly bitting my older dog on her legs and ears. The vet explained me that it was because we gave all the attention to the new little one and she felt she was like the queen, "the dominant" even over us. So it's like with a new baby, you have to treat them the same way and make the little one respect the older one.

    • the puppy is only playing, but he needs to learn boundaries now, before he gets too big and real fights develop.don't yell at him or you will traumatize him then training will take longer.once the puppy starts biting your dog gently push him away with a firm voice tone: NO.repetitions, repetitions and more repetitions. just like a baby, he needs TLC and patience.

    • My guess is the puppy is not being aggressive. It is part of his socialization. Puppies nip at each other, and often nip at older dogs in play. Most dogs will tolerate extreme abuse from little pups instinctively, but when the puppy gets too out of hand, the dog will growl, or pin the pup down and `put it in its place'. Trust me, your dog is safe. He is a Jack Russel and those dogs won't be trodden for too long by a mere puppy. Your dog is just being a good grown up dog. Do not transfer your fears to him unless your dog shows fear of the puppy, in which case put the puppy on a leash and prevent him from going to your dog.

    • Tell your dog to bite him back. Once he has a taste of his own medicine maybe he will stop. Are we talking dogs or kids here?Oh yeah, dogs. Well in that case when your dog gets aggrivated enough he will snap back. That will put him in his place.