How can I train my cat to be less destructive?

She has a very strong personality. I used to call her Fluffy, but now I, and most of the neighbors, call her Psyho B****.She only weighs about 5 pounds but she has been the terrror of at least a 3 block area. Not only does she chew off trailer hitches…

    How can I train my cat to be less destructive?

    She has a very strong personality. I used to call her Fluffy, but now I, and most of the neighbors, call her Psyho B****.She only weighs about 5 pounds but she has been the terrror of at least a 3 block area. Not only does she chew off trailer hitches…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can I train my cat to be less destructive?...

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    • How can I train my cat to be less destructive?

      How can I train my cat to be less destructive? Dogs Training Discussions
      She has a very strong personality. I used to call her Fluffy, but now I, and most of the neighbors, call her Psyho B****.She only weighs about 5 pounds but she has been the terrror of at least a 3 block area. Not only does she chew off trailer hitches and attack mail boxes (I have had to pay to replace 4 in the last 2 months) but now she has made it a mission to subjugate the pit bull next door. That poor dog shivers in fear when he sees her coming. Do you think medication would help? The baseball bat didn't do much. I kinda like that crazy little feline, so I want to do the right thing.

      How can I train my cat to be less destructive?

      How can I train my cat to be less destructive? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Drive her out to the desert and "forget" to bring her back.Barring that, put weight-gain supplements in her cat food. You know, the kind that bodybuilders use. Once she's up to, say, 150 pounds, she'll settle down a lot. Literally.