How can I overcome my embarrassing fear of dogs?

I have an emberrassing fear of dogs because a few months ago I was bitten by one, and a few months later I was chased by one. Ever since those two things happened to me, I have had a really emberrassing fear of dogs.Go ahead, laugh all you want.So can…

    How can I overcome my embarrassing fear of dogs?

    I have an emberrassing fear of dogs because a few months ago I was bitten by one, and a few months later I was chased by one. Ever since those two things happened to me, I have had a really emberrassing fear of dogs.Go ahead, laugh all you want.So can…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can I overcome my embarrassing fear of dogs?...

    • How can I overcome my embarrassing fear of dogs?

      How can I overcome my embarrassing fear of dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
      I have an emberrassing fear of dogs because a few months ago I was bitten by one, and a few months later I was chased by one. Ever since those two things happened to me, I have had a really emberrassing fear of dogs.Go ahead, laugh all you want.So can someone tell me some ways I can overcome my emberrassing fear?Thanks in advance.

      How can I overcome my embarrassing fear of dogs?

      How can I overcome my embarrassing fear of dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Maybe spend some time with friendly dogs and get used to being around them?You have to remember, the majority of dogs are friendly, they are only occasionally one's that aren't trained/socialised/looked after properly that can turn out aggressive.

    • its nothing to laugh about or be ashamed of. its perfectly normal. you have had some bad experiences. everyone has them. i was bitten by my grandmother's toy poodle when i was a child and now i dont really like small dogs now because of it. i suggest maybe hang around say a vet's office or pet store and just talk to the people that come in. dont show fear when you approach a dog. they can sense it. be confident in yourself. maybe start with smaller dogs that cant to as much as say a larger dog would and work your way up from there. maybe volunteer at a local shelter too, socializing and interacting with the dogs, and walking them that can help too

    • One thing you must understand about dogs is they can sense your emotions through smell. If you are nervous and tense around them, they are more likely to torment you because they sense you as an easy target. One sure way to prevent any further negative encounters is to not be afraid around the dogs. I believe there are a total of 8 deaths a year in America due to dog bites. More people die of coconuts falling on their heads. The truth is, if you are around good dogs and good owners there is nothing to be afraid of. I would start to familiarize yourself with small non-aggressive dogs (by non-aggressive I mean the dog itself, not a certain breed. A balanced pit bull can be just a gentle as a new born chihuahua pup). Realize that all dogs want from you is your love and protection and then you will come around to realize there is nothing to be afraid of.

    • go to a park frequented by dogs. This way you can start by watching them. And when you are ready you can maybe approach an owner and let them know what a gorgeous dog they have. Maybe then let it sniff your hands and pet it.But start by watching. It's starting to get nice out.I guess it depends on scared you areBut it's normal to have fears especially after this. Take time and tell yourself that it was those two dogs that were the problem, not all dogs.(my guy might chase somebody but that's just so they would pet him-though probably not your case)