How old does a puppy have to be to be away from it's mother?

My mom is getting a puppy (Beagle) today and it's only 4 weeks old, it's eating dry food already and is totally weaned from it's mother. I heard that the puppy can get sick and die from being away from it's mother too soon.

    How old does a puppy have to be to be away from it's mother?

    My mom is getting a puppy (Beagle) today and it's only 4 weeks old, it's eating dry food already and is totally weaned from it's mother. I heard that the puppy can get sick and die from being away from it's mother too soon....
    Dogs Training Discussions : How old does a puppy have to be to be away from it's mother?...

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    • How old does a puppy have to be to be away from it's mother?

      How old does a puppy have to be to be away from it's mother? Dogs Training Discussions
      My mom is getting a puppy (Beagle) today and it's only 4 weeks old, it's eating dry food already and is totally weaned from it's mother. I heard that the puppy can get sick and die from being away from it's mother too soon.

      How old does a puppy have to be to be away from it's mother?

      How old does a puppy have to be to be away from it's mother? Dogs Training Discussions
    • At least 8 weeks. Perferrably ten weeks. Four weeks is WAY too young to be away from it's mother. It doesn't matter if it's eating dry food and is weaned. It still needs to stay for four more weeks to learn behaviors from it's mother. You could possibly end up with behavior problems in the puppy because it didn't learn from it's mother. Yes, it can get sick and die from being away from it's mother too soon. Some people may not, but I definitely, without a doubt, consider four weeks too soon.

    • 4 weeks is very young! The puppy will probably not die from being away from its mother, but it may cry for its mother especially at night. If there is any way for the puppy to stay with its mother for another 3 weeks it would be better!

    • That is WAYYY to soon...rediculous, do not buy from this person, go to a reg and ethical breeder.8 weeks at the earliest, 10 weeks is better. Please, please do not buy this puppy...

    • A puppy should not be totally weaned until at least 8 weeks. They need that mothers milk for good health. But since they have already taken the pups away, consider giving the pup a good mothers milk supplement until it is 8 weeks of age.

    • You need to educate your mom. The pup is to young. Feeding from its mother is not what determines the age a puppy can leave the nest.. Your mom is buying a puppy from a back yard breeder. SOmeone who doesn't care about the puppy, just wants to dump it off onto someone else so they don't have to feed it. MOST states it is illegal to sell a puppy under 8 weeks of age. Maybe you can teach your mom something here and tell her to please not support back yard breeders. This puppy needs to stay put for another 4 weeks and your mom should find a reputable breeder to buy from. It will be worth the wait.

    • DO NOT under any circumstances get a puppy under eight weeks old. You are just asking for a nightmare taking it any earlier and training will be near impossible without a pro trainer. 4-8 weeks is when the pup learns almost ALL of it's social behavior from it's mama and if you take it before then, I promise, you will have a mess.

    • OMG that is way to young to leave the mother!!!Your Mother should do her homework on the breeder. If the breeder is going to let the pup go at that young she is not a good breeder!Breeders who permit their puppies to leave early are more interested in making a profit than in their puppies' well being. Puppies need to learn the rules of the pack from their Mother and most Mothers keep teaching the do's and don'ts until around the 8th week.Pups should not leave their litter mates until 8 weeks! In some states this is illegal!!

    • 4 weeks is too young it it is 7-8 weeks 7 weeks is PUSHING IT and MOST GOOD BREEDERS WAIT 10-14 weeks.that is true the puppy may not survive and get sick.also during that time frame the mother teaches the puppy IMPORTANT SOCIAL SKILLS. when it leaves the mother your mom or whomever is going to have the puppy needs to continue his or her education.good luck.

    • you are correct & in most states it is illegal to remove them before 8 weeks. Reputable breeders do not sell puppies until 12 weeks of age. It is so much better for them, they learn so much from their siblings - manners, bite inhibition. Your mom better keep this puppy warm & make sure it eats about every 3 hours round the clock for a week or so. If it goes too long between meals in can cause seizures.

    • 4 weeks is way too early. This puppy will most likely live, but be prepared for health issues. Having been wened too early, the puppy could suffer from poor bone growth, allergies, and be susceptible to many health defects. Of course, none of this may happen, but the early weaning greatly increases the risk. A healthy time for seperation is about 10 weeks old.

    • I would ask why any reputable breader would wean and sell a 4 wk old puppy. even if for medical or unavoidable reasons, a good breeder wouldnt sell that pup for at least 6 more weeks. the puppy wont be proporly socialized and you will have many behavior problems crop up. ideally the puppy should get artificial bitches milk for at least 4 more weeks. i very stronglyl recommend not buying this pup

    • 4 weeks is way too young, 6 weeks is an absolute minimum, but even that is too young really. The pup needs more time with its mother gain a better immune system so it can better fight disease and infection once its out of the relatively safe environment it was born and raised in. Pups don't have their first vaccinations until 6-8 weeks of age, and the breeder should have these done before allowing the pup to leave home. The pup may be eating solids at 4 weeks, but should still be supplementing this with milk still, most pups continue to drink some milk up till 6-7 weeks, even longer if allowed. We usually let the mother wean them slowly when she is ready, and by 8 weeks she is usually not letting them feed much, if at all. For the pup's emotional development it is best if you don't get him until he is 10 weeks old. This is because at around 8 weeks pups go through a fear imprint period where any unpleasant experience can have a lasting effect. During this time they should be kept in a stable environment, to prevent development of fears that are impossible or, at best, difficult to overcome. Vet visits should be positive and unpleasant experiences kept to a minimum. 10 weeks is ideal as the pup will still have two weeks of the critical socialisation period to bond with you, and be exposed to other people, dogs, cats, experiences.