What is the best age for a Chihuahua puppy to be when I buy It?

I want to buy a chihuahua puppy but I want to make sure it's old enough that it won't have health problems from being separated from it's mother at an early age.

    What is the best age for a Chihuahua puppy to be when I buy It?

    I want to buy a chihuahua puppy but I want to make sure it's old enough that it won't have health problems from being separated from it's mother at an early age....
    Dogs Training Discussions : What is the best age for a Chihuahua puppy to be when I buy It?...

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    • What is the best age for a Chihuahua puppy to be when I buy It?

      What is the best age for a Chihuahua puppy to be when I buy It? Dogs Training Discussions
      I want to buy a chihuahua puppy but I want to make sure it's old enough that it won't have health problems from being separated from it's mother at an early age.

      What is the best age for a Chihuahua puppy to be when I buy It?

      What is the best age for a Chihuahua puppy to be when I buy It? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Smaller breeds should be left with their mothers about 12 weeks. Thank you for being responsible! :)A puppy is weaned at 4 weeks...that is NOT an ok time to take it from it's mother...and neither is 6 or 8 weeks with a small breed! Please do some research before you go off spouting bad advice. Do you have ANY idea what stages of development puppies go through and when they go through them? A good breeder will not give a chi pup up before it is atleast 12 weeks. If you are buying from someone who does this, they are not in it for the dog, but the money. Go somewhere else.

    • Randee is right...12 weeks is the youngest age a reputable Chi breeder will release a puppy. Smaller breeds need more time with mom and litter mates to develope properly. 4, 6, and 8 weeks is not adequate time and the people selling these dogs at these ages are BYB's and or puppymillers.

    • I'd say 8-9 weeks.They have their 'fear period' at 9 weeks, so it is best they are in their new hom by then.A pup from a small litter should stay in the litter longer than the usual 8 week mark, whereas a pup from a larger one can go home at 7 weeks. (This is b/c they have been exposed to more personalities in their litters.)Good luck!!!