What breed of dog is a good family dog / protection dog? ?

By protection I mean bark when someone is at the door or outside the house. I want a breed that is loyal and willing and can be indoors as well as outside. But it would be a house dog. But are there any other breeds I could look at as well ? But what are…

    What breed of dog is a good family dog / protection dog? ?

    By protection I mean bark when someone is at the door or outside the house. I want a breed that is loyal and willing and can be indoors as well as outside. But it would be a house dog. But are there any other breeds I could look at as well ? But what are…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What breed of dog is a good family dog / protection dog? ?...

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    • What breed of dog is a good family dog / protection dog? ?

      What breed of dog is a good family dog / protection dog? ? Dog Breed Discussions
      By protection I mean bark when someone is at the door or outside the house. I want a breed that is loyal and willing and can be indoors as well as outside. But it would be a house dog. But are there any other breeds I could look at as well ? But what are some other good breeds? Weight size doesn't matter but we can't (sadly) have pit bulls or American bull dogs and there was another one maybe a rottie? My husband and I both like:-Blue tick coon hounds-Mastiffs-Labs -German Shepard we can't have an American bulldog on base or chow chows I have nothing against the breed at all.

      What breed of dog is a good family dog / protection dog? ?

      What breed of dog is a good family dog / protection dog? ? Dog Breed Discussions
    • As a matter of curiosity, why can't you have an American bulldog? They fit the bill perfectly. And don't come back with the "they're too aggressive" routine. That may work for pit bulls, but for American bulldogs, its an utter falsehood.

    • German Shepard is a good choice. I think they are awesome dogs and will ALWAYS stand loyal. The only thing is that all of the dogs on your list are really going to shed a lot.... especially the German Shepard. Good luck!

    • Mastiffs are VERY large...I'm not sure if you have seen one in person, but they are very big dogs. German Shepards can be good dogs if you train them well; but you might want to check because some states consider them to be on the dangerous dogs list (as well as pitbulls, rotties, dobermans, shar peis, etc). Actually, I would double-check Mastiffs too. I have never heard of a bulldog being considered a dangerous dog...so I wouldn't think they would be disallowed. They are actually probably a good choice.Labs and goldens are great dogs - they are loyal, smart and will bark when someone comes to the house. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are nice looking dogs; but I'm not sure on their protection ability. You should check out akc.org to see all of the different breeds.

    • We have a Border Collie. He is great...loves kids and would die for us. My husband works nights, and I have no doubts that he would attack an intruder with all he has if he needed to.Labs are great family pets, not great for protection. Same with blue ticks.German Shepherds CAN be great for both, but they are very smart dogs (like Border Collies) and have to be trained. Also, because of their size, if they are NOT trained, they can end up biting or becoming aggressive for no reason. Some homeowners policies will exclude German Shepherds, so check that first as well.I have never owned a mastiff, so I don't know much about them.Hope this helped! (We used to raise and train labs, and we have had German Shepherds as well)

    • Hound: Never had one, but I believe they need lots of exerciseMastiff: This is my vote! We have a mastiff and they are amazing. They are extremely loyal, like to be outside if that's where YOU are and love being indoors as well. Our mastiff barks and alerts us, but as soon as we say "hi" or allow them in the house she lays back down. That is their nature, they arent attack dogs they just want to make their owners aware of something they're unsure of. But they drool tons so if you cant deal with that, dont get one!Labs- I think they would bark at someone at the door, but everyone I know that had one never had one that was a watch dog. They let anyone in (so does our mastiff, but she wants the OK to let them in first!)German Shephard: Needs lots and constant exercise. Very playful but ours always preferred to be outside playing than inside. They shed a lot too

    • We are looking for the same kind of dog. We've decided that mastiffs are pretty much like pit bulls - very dangerous. Labs love everybody and will make lousy watch/protection dogs. Shepard is a good choice. We are also considering Japanese or American Akita, Rottweiler and Bernese Mountain Dog but for these I'm having trouble finding available litters in my vicinity.

    • Neapolitan Mastiff. No, they are not like pitbulls. They are actually very protective to outsiders and their family. They are a committed breed of dog. I have two a male and female. Blue brindle and mahogany. I have had both for 3+years. I also have 3 year old and 6 month old daughters. My 3 year old crawls and lies all over them. They are friendly and relaxed, yet protective. The only thing you need to worry about as far as children go is if you get one with a long tail pay attention so they don't knock the child over with their tail or their body. and get a puppy so they can get used to your children their won't be a problem. The problem is that they tolerate pain too well and they are large dogs so people tend to want to fight them with other dogs. This is wrong and should not be done. But for a family who will love them back they can be trusted and I wouldn't have any other animal. They are big, beautiful, protective, and loyal. Also they are committed to the family they are with so if you get one, keep it they do get heart broken and stop eating and die when they are separated from their family. My male sits at the gate when we leave and when we come home he will cry until he is acknowledge. Also, they snore very loudly. Read up on them you will more than likely be impressed. People tend to speculate when they don't know for sure.

    • boxer are good guard dogsgreat daneblue tick i guess could be, but i dont think theyre very nice lookingmastiffs are cool, def!labs will not scare people away.german shpeherdds are amazing dogs!

    • Oh, shame! I was going to suggest an APBT.Labradors can be good family dogs, but if there's an intruder, a Lab would merely lick him to death. Not a good breed if you want a guardian.German Shepherds and Mastiffs are fantastic loyal guardians and family pets.Here are some breeds which I hope you like and that are fantastic loving family pets as well as loyal guards.German Shepherd Doghttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/germanshepherd.htmBluetick Coonhoundwww.dogbreedinfo.com/bluetick.htmBullmastiffwww.dogbreedinfo.com/bullmastiff.htmBoxer (excellent family dog, loves kids yet is also a great guard)www.dogbreedinfo.com/boxer.htmEnglish Mastiffwww.dogbreedinfo.com/mastiff.htmDobermannwww.dogbreedinfo.com/doberman.htmIf you like Retrievers but want a guard how about a Chesepeake?www.dogbreedinfo.com/chesapeakebay.htmHovawarthttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/hovawart.htmAnatolian Shepherd Doghttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/anatolianshepherd.htmAustralian Shepherdhttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/australianshepherd.htmGreat Pyreneeshttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/greatpyrenees.htmRhodesian Ridgebackhttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/rhodesianridgeback.htmStaffordshire Bull Terrier (the ''nanny'' of all dog breeds)http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/staffordshirebullterrier.htmWeimaranerwww.dogbreedinfo.com/weimaraner.htmGreat Danehttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/greatdane.htmSouth African Boerboel (the BEST guard dog, and this breed ADORES kids)http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/boerboel.htmdo your research carefully before deciding to get any breed of dog, meet some and talk to some GOOD breeders.http://www.shilohshepherds.com/puppyBreeders/breederMatrixv4.htmHave fun!P.S.Oh, and it will only let me post 10 links, so on the ones that don't have http:// on them, just copy and paste the links I've given into your browser.