How long does it take for you dog to welcome your new puppy?

I just got a shi-tzu and my boxer isnt welcoming it well. She has growled at hit. The new puppy is a male and the dog is a female.How long does it take? And how do i help?

    How long does it take for you dog to welcome your new puppy?

    I just got a shi-tzu and my boxer isnt welcoming it well. She has growled at hit. The new puppy is a male and the dog is a female.How long does it take? And how do i help?...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does it take for you dog to welcome your new puppy?...

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    • How long does it take for you dog to welcome your new puppy?

      How long does it take for you dog to welcome your new puppy? General Dog Discussions
      I just got a shi-tzu and my boxer isnt welcoming it well. She has growled at hit. The new puppy is a male and the dog is a female.How long does it take? And how do i help?

      How long does it take for you dog to welcome your new puppy?

      How long does it take for you dog to welcome your new puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • They need to determine who is higher ranking in the pack (behind you and your family of course). Because your puppy is new and still young, chances are he'll gladly accept bottom of the pack. You can help things move along by putting the food bowl down first for the female, giving treats first to the female (assuming the puppy isn't putting up a fuss about where it ranks in the pack). As long as there's no blood involved, it's best to let them sort through it themselves.