Whats the best way to correct barking?

I will hopefully be buying a condo with my boyfriend within the next 6 months-My issue is my girl Violet barks when people drive up or come in our driveway- I never minded it- I actually prefer people to know she's there- But I do worry that people ina…

    Whats the best way to correct barking?

    I will hopefully be buying a condo with my boyfriend within the next 6 months-My issue is my girl Violet barks when people drive up or come in our driveway- I never minded it- I actually prefer people to know she's there- But I do worry that people ina…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Whats the best way to correct barking?...

    • Whats the best way to correct barking?

      Whats the best way to correct barking? Dog Breed Discussions
      I will hopefully be buying a condo with my boyfriend within the next 6 months-My issue is my girl Violet barks when people drive up or come in our driveway- I never minded it- I actually prefer people to know she's there- But I do worry that people ina condo might have a issue- Because there will be more activity than at my house- I fear she may just become a constant barker.How should I fix this?I can correct her when I am home, However like when I drive in to the drive way I can hear her barking in the yard. So how would I correct that?She is two, Would a shock collar be the best awnser? Never had to use one, So I am clueless on this..Thanks for your help.Yes, I would definatley prefer to try "Train" her before jumping to debarking. Then if training doesn't work I would look into other options..

      Whats the best way to correct barking?

      Whats the best way to correct barking? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I think your first problem is going to be finding a condo that will allow a dog of that size.Most condos have size limits on dogs.I prefer having a Bark Softening procedure done rather then a bark collar.Besides many dogs will just bark through the collar.I know dozens upon dozens of dogs who have had the procedure, they are all happy and healthy.A small hole is punched in the vocal chords, nothing is cut, as the AR folks would let you believe.I will put an article below from an expert, not an AR nut.I would not do anything now, and wait and see if you get your condo. Six months from now you might even have a different boyfriend.---------------Debarking (Bark Softening) - Myths and Facts Animal rights groups attack life-saving debarking procedure By Charlotte McGowanThere is a move around the country by animal rights interests to outlaw the practice of debarking dogs. So much misinformation about this procedure abounds that it is truly time to set the record straight. As a dog breeder since the late 50’s, I can tell you that debarking in the hands of a well trained veterinarian is a very useful tool for breeders and owners and it saves lives. I have had many dogs debarked over the years and the usefulness of this procedure should not be ignored. I know friends who have used debarking for decades with no ill effects on the dogs. Rescue groups for noisy breeds have used this procedure to save the lives of dogs that might otherwise be euthanized.Q: What is debarking? A:This is a minor surgical procedure to reduce tissue in the vocal chords. Some vets use a biopsy punch to remove a small amount of tissue. . Other surgeons use a laser for the same purpose. The vocal chords are not removed! The goal of the surgery is to lower the volume of the dog's bark and the ability of the bark to carry over a wide area. This procedure is sometimes referred to as devocalization but it does not remove the dog’s voice. It is more accurately called bark-softening. The actual procedure is quick and recovery is also quick.Q: Does debarking remove the dog's ability to bark? A:No. Debarked dogs continue to bark. What debarking does is to lower the volume of the bark so that it does not carry for miles around. Q. Is it true debarked dogs cannot communicate any longer? A. No. This is a prominent myth. Debarked dogs continue to bark, whine and vocalize in all the ways dogs do. Q: Is the surgery always successful? A: Sometimes scar tissue forms and heavy barkers will become louder than when first debarked. The skill of the veterinarian is also a factor. Some vets do not know how to perform the surgery so it is necessary to find a vet who knows how to do the procedure. Q: Is this a "cruel and barbaric procedure?"A: No. People with little or no experience raising naturally noisy and talkative breeds may tell you this. People with breeds like Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties) can tell you that this procedure is simple and that it saves lives of dogs that might otherwise be dumped in the pound for their barking. Debarking is a more simple procedure than removing the uterus in spaying or removing testicles in neutering. Many dogs that are herding dogs, working dogs or small dogs can bark a lot. Many mixed breed dogs can also be heavy barkers. In modern society with heavily built up neighborhoods sometimes any barking can cause problems between neighbors.Q: Do dogs suffer emotionally from debarking? A:It is a huge myth to suggest dogs are emotionally disturbed by debarking. Debarked dogs can bark. Even if reduced sound comes out of their mouths, they don't seem to notice that their bark is softer. Debarked dogs that are not being constantly disciplined for barking, in fact, tend to be much happier dogs!Q: Is it true that only criminals and drug dealers debark dogs? A:This is the biggest myth about debarking! The majority of people who debark dogs are responsible dog owners at the end of their rope with dogs whose bark is so piercing that they can be heard for miles around. To be breed specific, Sheltie, Collie and other herding breed owners are the people most apt to do this. Herding breeds, by nature can be very vocal in their work. They also are joyful in their barking. They bark at squirrels, strangers, in play. They bark just to bark. Sheltie and Collie breeders are not criminals and drug dealers! Q: Is it true you can train any dog not to bark? A:I defy some of the so-called new wave of dog behaviorists to train a group of Shelties not to bark! Shelties in numbers larger than one love to do group barking. It is part of who they are. This can be true of any group of dogs.Q: Isn't debarking a hazardous procedure? A: Any procedure that requires anesthesia, whether it is a dental cleaning, spay, or debarking has intrinsic risks. The key to success is good veterinary skill in all these procedures. Q: Animal rights activists have said that dogs can be debarked by shoving a pipe down their throats. Is that possible?A. This is an oversized myth. If someone shoves a pipe down a dog’s throat they might kill the dog. This urban legend has continued in the media. Q: Do people debark just to avoid training their dogs? A: The majority of people who debark have run out of options and are trying to be good neighbors. We are not talking about people who are irresponsible and leave their dogs out all night or ignore chronic barking. We are talking about people who are faced with having to move or having to give up the dog. It is a procedure of last resort. A piercing bark, even on limited occasions, can be enough to cause a war in built up residential neighborhoods. Animal rights interests have painted debarking as a cruel quick fix when in fact it is something no owner does lightly.Q: Is excessive barking due to bad breeding? A: Here's another myth. Shelties kept birds of prey away from lambs on remote Shetland. They also kept livestock out of the crofters meager gardens and protected fish drying on the beach from eagles and other raptors. Barking is a useful tool for this work. It also helps let the owner know where the dog is. Unfortunately, in modern life, neighbors are not impressed when dogs bark. Q: Do breeders debark dogs to hide them so they don’t have to license them?A: No. Many breeders own more than one dog and good breeders who want to be good neighbors sometimes debark a really loud dog. Being a good neighbor is part of being responsible. Q: Anti debarking legislation is being put forth around the country as part of anti dog fighting bills. Isn't this a good idea? A: Criminals pay not attention to laws. They are not going to license their dogs in the first place, let alone report any that may be debarked. The people impacted by anti debarking laws are responsible owners, especially people with talkative dogs. Animal rights interests want to outlaw any procedures they deem unnecessary. Responsible and compassionate veterinarians should understand that debarking can save lives by keeping dogs out of shelters and in homes. While some dogs, especially when they are the only dog in a home, can be trained to reduce their barking, others cannot be trained to the point where neighbors will not be annoyed. Q: Do you debark ALL your dogs? A: No. Some dogs are less noisy than others. I last debarked a dog ten years ago. This was a dedicated squirrel chaser with a high pitched voice. The squirrels are always going to be out there. I wish I could train the squirrels to move to another neighborhood but that's just about as hard as training a sheltie not to bark. Charlotte McGowan is the author of The Shetland Sheepdog in America and is an honorary Life Member of the American Shetland Sheepdog Association. She has bred dogs for over 50 years. She has been an AKC dog show judge for over 30 years.

    • I would simply like to respond to the other post that suggested a "bark softening procedure." This is often referred to as "debarking" a dog. It is a surgical procedure which reduces tissue in the vocal cords by cutting or with the use of lasers. There are many pros and cons to this procedure, but before you consider it I suggest you read this website:http://www.naiaonline.org/articles/archives/debark_qna.htmand this one:http://dogs.suite101.com/article.cfm/should_i_debark_my_barking_dogMany people have strong opinions about "debarking" dogs, as some feel it is an unnatural and unnecessary procedure that can be compared to declawing a cat.My mother has tried the use of bark collars with her dogs. They are very effective, but are painful. However, this is the point of the collar. The good outcome was that the dogs got to the point that they no longer had to wear the collar, just see it to know that it was time to hush up! It was an effective TRAINING method and not used for long-term to keep the dogs quiet. Just some thoughts...

    • Make a EH EH Sound and then snap your finger it will distract her and if it doesn't then make a bang noise anything to distract her but NOT treats! Those are the best ways!

    • No to the shock collar. Dogs communicate through barking so it is natural for them to bark. You need to train you dog when not to bark. You might consider a citronella collar, which releases a bitter scent that dogs dislike and forces them to be quiet. Similarly, you can get a sound collar that emits a loud noise whenever the dog barks. You can also work the problem through training.1. When you dogs barks you can work it like this. To get the barking, the doorbell or a knock on the door is a good initiator. Once the dog starts barking2. Hold a treat over the dog's nose while saying "QUIET," or similar word. Use the same word every time and only once at a time.3. When your dog stops barking to sniff, praise him and give him the treat. Repeat, each time requiring the dog to be silent for longer periods before he receives the treat.Hope this helps.

    • I personally do NOT recommend a shock collar. You do want your dog to bark if the situation warrants it, for example an intruder or danger. If she is uselessly or from boredom barking try this little trick. Put a few small rocks in a metal coffee can and when she is doing tihs shake the coffee can. The rattling noise will divert her attention from the barking. Stop rattling the tin the very second she stops barking. Then you have her attention and you give the command "quiet" or "hush" or whatever you choose. Go to her to control her or call her and as soon as your dog comes give the command again and reward her with a treat. Give this about 2 weeks and problem solved. Don't forget to practice every now and then.By the way - I used this on my Boerboel (South African Mastiff) and certify that it works like a charm. I don't agree with physically debarking the dog. By now you know that Mastiffs are VERY loyal and you will be the pack leader for life. Training will work best for this breed as they aren't a "yippy" little dog. Try this book below for other training techniques. I've used it on my dogs. (Boerboel and 2 Rhodesian Ridgebacks

    • I am completely against debarking! I think it's a pathetic and lazy way to control a dog's barking. That's like saying you should rip someone's vocal cords out just because their voice annoys you or they just talk nonsense...but now that I think about it, lol.If you don't want to use a shock collar, they do have collars that spray a citrus type thing at the dog when they bark. My sister uses this on her dog and it has had great results. Now the dog just has to see the collar and she stops barking. It's definitely worth a try.

    • I find it very interesting UHave2B received so many TDs. Personally I don't find 'de-barking' any more cruel than tail docking, ear cropping, de-clawing cats, shock collars and those gross citronella sprays.ALL of my cats over the last 30 years have had their front claws removed. I seriously think de-barking (which does not deprive the animal of being able to bark) is a better choice than dogs ending up in shelters, euthanzied because they refuse to shut up.

    • You can teach her that it is no longer appropriate to bark when people walk by simply by correcting her when she does it.Does she bark all the time you are gone, or just out of excitement when you get home?I know my dogs all go nuts when they hear me pull in the driveway, but it only lasts for a few minutes, and then they calm down. Its incessant barking that usually sets off the neighbors - a short burst once a day would probably not be an issue.I have never used a shock collar - cant say that I have any fondness for them.(I would not surgically debark a dog, but I dont see it as such a horrible alternative - I fostered a dog who had been debarked, and the only change was that his bark was much quieter.)