which is a better guard dog, a female or a male dog?

i am planning to have a guard dog since the incidence of unwanted intruders are prevalence in my are especially the snatchers. i am choosing either a belgian malinois or a german shepherd, which one is best guard dog?a female or male dog? and why?thank…

    which is a better guard dog, a female or a male dog?

    i am planning to have a guard dog since the incidence of unwanted intruders are prevalence in my are especially the snatchers. i am choosing either a belgian malinois or a german shepherd, which one is best guard dog?a female or male dog? and why?thank…...
    General Dog Discussions : which is a better guard dog, a female or a male dog?...

    • which is a better guard dog, a female or a male dog?

      which is a better guard dog, a female or a male dog? General Dog Discussions
      i am planning to have a guard dog since the incidence of unwanted intruders are prevalence in my are especially the snatchers. i am choosing either a belgian malinois or a german shepherd, which one is best guard dog?a female or male dog? and why?thank you in advance for your answers,have a nice day

      which is a better guard dog, a female or a male dog?

      which is a better guard dog, a female or a male dog? General Dog Discussions
    • german shepards and mastiffs are loyal and excellent guard dogs! both can be awesome family pets once they bond with you. please read on them. also check on the portugese water dog.peace!

    • German shepards are the sterotypical guard dog; one sight of them would have the intruder running for his life! Male dogs tend to be more dominant and aggressive than the female, i would definately say a male is better for guarding

    • It really depends on the trainer. and while femals are generally more protective, intruders that are not dog-smart will more likely be afraid of a large male dog (if they have the time to look... lol) Plus males are more likely to be larger although not necesarily. As for the breed, I really dont know because they're both great and loyal. I would serch around a bit for the perfect dog.

    • Is this dog going to be at a business or your home? I hope it gets enough attention and affection even if it is a guard dog. You don't need to buy a dog just to be a guard- you need to actually want a dog because they need to be cared for properly (shots starting at 6 weeks of age, spaying/neutering, food, attention, etc.....). Get a dog, train it well and it can be a wonderful family pet and protect your property. I would go with a German Shepard- they are very loyal and can be a great companion.

    • Just becareful depending on where you live...When we were living in California I looked it up, and you have to by law have it posted near every entrance to your house that you have a dog. And even then, if someone comes into your house, with a gun and the intent to kill you/vandalise your house, and your dog bites them... YOu're liable, you get sued and your dog gets put to sleep...That state has some really jacked up rules, trust me, that's why we left, but look up the laws where you live incase this is the case with your state/area as well.As for the question...Female dogs are generally more protective of their family. So if you're going to have your dog live inside with your family and interact with you then the female would definatly look after you guys. However, male dogs are larger and probably stronger.Imo, getting a "guard dog" is a bad idea because someone's going to get hurt. Be it the dog from living in it's little dog house 24/7 and having no real human interactions, or someone who jumps your fence to cross to a neighbors yard.

    • A belgian malinois would be preferable because of the high energy it has-which translates into a very loud bark, and a tenatious bite. It is very helpful for this purpose to choose an male dog that is not nuetered. This will the testosterone pumping through his system and make him more alert and have a more intimidating prescence.

    • A female dog is always more protective than a male.The reason why is because female dogs have automatic mothers instinct.They are more mentally alert than males and they already have it in them to protect their young,just like a human mother.When the female gets used to you she automatically uses mother instinct to protect you.

    • definalty a female in fact i personally think you should get a female rotty too then ull have twice the protectionrotty and german shep= very good protectionif you treat them well and love them that is.....

    • Although lots of breeds can be trained to be guard dogs, the ones which exceol at doing that are dobermans. DOBERMANS are loving, very LOYAL, and very TERRITORIAL. What belongs to a dobe (house, family, even car) is highly protected. They're possesive and very easy to train.Ignore the rumour about dobes going insane once they reach 7 years old and have to be shot in the head. Short stories to scare children. You can make it scarier if you crop its ears. ;)Also, talk to a a dog breeder abou this, beacuse traits are ussually inherited, and you most likely wanna look for a possesive puppy, as it can be easily trained to be possesive with everyone else except you and your family.Also girls tend to be more aggresive in protecting its loved ones, but that's not a rule. It depends on the dog actually.