How do we get our dogs to leave us alone when we are sleeping?

My sweetie & I work the graveyard shift 3-4 nights a week. When we get home in the morning after a night of work, we have to sleep so that we will be alert for the next night of work, but our two dogs will not leave us alone. They will nap some with us,…

    How do we get our dogs to leave us alone when we are sleeping?

    My sweetie & I work the graveyard shift 3-4 nights a week. When we get home in the morning after a night of work, we have to sleep so that we will be alert for the next night of work, but our two dogs will not leave us alone. They will nap some with us,…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do we get our dogs to leave us alone when we are sleeping?...

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    • How do we get our dogs to leave us alone when we are sleeping?

      How do we get our dogs to leave us alone when we are sleeping? General Dog Discussions
      My sweetie & I work the graveyard shift 3-4 nights a week. When we get home in the morning after a night of work, we have to sleep so that we will be alert for the next night of work, but our two dogs will not leave us alone. They will nap some with us, but every hour or so will be harassing us to go out, to be fed, or just for some attention.On our nights off, when we sleep at night, they rarely bother us.

      How do we get our dogs to leave us alone when we are sleeping?

      How do we get our dogs to leave us alone when we are sleeping? General Dog Discussions
    • Can u live without having a bath for a week, coz this the way to keep ur dogs away from u. They won't even think bout coming to u even for food. haha....