Which of these breeds are the best for these reasons?

Boer Boel, Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino, Rottweiler, American <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=e771a8156dd13e863fa35ccfdba493189615fe64">Bulldog</a>, Rhodesian Ridgeback.Can you put these breeds in order from the best to worst for the following reasons? Also which do you like the best out of these breeds? Have you owned any of them…

    Which of these breeds are the best for these reasons?

    Boer Boel, Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino, Rottweiler, American <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=e771a8156dd13e863fa35ccfdba493189615fe64">Bulldog</a>, Rhodesian Ridgeback.Can you put these breeds in order from the best to worst for the following reasons? Also which do you like the best out of these breeds? Have you owned any of them…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Which of these breeds are the best for these reasons?...

    • Which of these breeds are the best for these reasons?

      Which of these breeds are the best for these reasons? Dog Breed Discussions
      Boer Boel, Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino, Rottweiler, American Bulldog, Rhodesian Ridgeback.Can you put these breeds in order from the best to worst for the following reasons? Also which do you like the best out of these breeds? Have you owned any of them before?Personal protection:Guard dog:Schutzhund:Thanks!

      Which of these breeds are the best for these reasons?

      Which of these breeds are the best for these reasons? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If you need a personal protection dog, buy one already trained. They cost $15,000 and up. Handguns are much cheaper, and you can carry them into restaurants.Most dogs will alert to strangers and bark. If you live in an urban or suburban area, you do NOT want a dog that will decide on his own to attack a stranger. You would be sued and the dog would be killed.Schutzhund competition was originally designed as a courage and trainability test for German Shepherd dogs, to choose breeding stock.All the dogs listed are basically varieties of mastiff except the Ridgeback. The Dogo is primarily a hunting dog; some have succeeded at Schutzhund. The Ridgeback is a sighthound, not a guard dog at all.Well-bred mastiffs of any breed, from health-screened and properly raised and trained parents, are great guard dogs, but they are usually not fast or agile enough to succeed at Schutzhund. Schutzhund is open to any breed --I saw a miniature Bull Terrier get his SchI, but he couldn't go any farther because he just wasn't big enough to carry the bigger dumbbell over the A-frame. Schutzhund makes no allowances for the size of the dog, so a smaller dog is somewhat handicapped in the obedience phase. The protection phase requires perfect obedience, instant outs and full-tilt charges and take-downs; only a very compliant and very courageous dog can do it. Mastiffs are both, but they tend to be slow.For competition, I'd rank the Boerboel, Cane Corso, Rottweiler, American Bulldog fairly closely together. It is difficult to get a Rottweiler that is structurally sound and healthy enough to compete: they are riddled with hip dysplasia and you would have to pick your bloodline very carefully.Some Dogo Argentinos are suitable for protection training; many are not. The breed was developed as a pack hunting dog, to hunt jaguar through the jungle (that's why they are white: to be visible in the jungle). The Rhodesian Ridgeback is much the same; it was developed to drive African predators such as lions away from the farms and livestock of the Boer settlers in southern Africa, based on the Bullenbeiters that they brought with them from Europe and the local Hottentot dogs, mixed with other European breeds that arrived later. If Schutzhund competition is what you want to do, I recommend you start with a breed known to excel at it: German Shepherd Dogs, Belgian Malinois, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers and Dutch Shepherds are the breeds most commonly seen in competition. Join your local Schutzhund club and start helping out at club training meetings; eventually one of the members will breed a litter and if you've measured up, you may be able to buy one of those pups. Training for Schutzhund starts at birth. Good luck.