What should i do about the dog if he keeps barking?

Ok, so my dog keeps barking when ever someone passes by. Across the street the neighbors were playing with their kids and he barks 24/7. It's been going on for about 2 years now and we don't know what to do!! We already took him to training and we don't…

    What should i do about the dog if he keeps barking?

    Ok, so my dog keeps barking when ever someone passes by. Across the street the neighbors were playing with their kids and he barks 24/7. It's been going on for about 2 years now and we don't know what to do!! We already took him to training and we don't…...
    General Dog Discussions : What should i do about the dog if he keeps barking?...

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    • What should i do about the dog if he keeps barking?

      What should i do about the dog if he keeps barking? General Dog Discussions
      Ok, so my dog keeps barking when ever someone passes by. Across the street the neighbors were playing with their kids and he barks 24/7. It's been going on for about 2 years now and we don't know what to do!! We already took him to training and we don't wanna go through it again! please help us and give us GOOD advice.;) thank you!

      What should i do about the dog if he keeps barking?

      What should i do about the dog if he keeps barking? General Dog Discussions
    • Take a jar full of coins and when he starts barking, shake it. Don't look at him. Don't give him any signs of attention. Just shake it. Hopefully he'll become startled and stop barking. Once he's quiet, then praise him and give him a treat.

    • Some dogs do not like water. When my dog used to barked we used a squirt bottle and sprayed it at him. Never give it treats or anything they like after they are done because they think you are praising them for barking. Usually when a dog barks at people it is because they are not used to seeing them and are protective of you. Go up to them and let them know you are there. Also try and go on walks with them so they can get used to seeing other people and animals.Hope this helps and good luck!