Oh my goodness have you guys seen this!?

south african boerboel gives birth to 17 puppies!http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/35199053#35016600the video comes on after the advertisement. All I have to say is poor dog.Can you imagine how big the Dam must have been? It amazing

    Oh my goodness have you guys seen this!?

    south african boerboel gives birth to 17 puppies!http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/35199053#35016600the video comes on after the advertisement. All I have to say is poor dog.Can you imagine how big the Dam must have been? It amazing...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Oh my goodness have you guys seen this!?...

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    • Oh my goodness have you guys seen this!?

      Oh my goodness have you guys seen this!? Dog Breed Discussions
      south african boerboel gives birth to 17 puppies!http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/35199053#35016600the video comes on after the advertisement. All I have to say is poor dog.Can you imagine how big the Dam must have been? It amazing

      Oh my goodness have you guys seen this!?

      Oh my goodness have you guys seen this!? Dog Breed Discussions
    • We had a record litter of rotties born in the UK a while ago, and instead of the press slaughtering our breed like they usually do, they were publishing all about these little pups, but also added the price tag on the end and didn't seem to have the forsight to think of all the idiots now adding up the £ signs. Looks like that could well happen in the US with boerboels. Ok - 17 x $1000 ---- with a dog that needs specific handling and nurturing. Gees. I hope I am not that clever in forseeing the future !!!!!

    • Healthy puppies, Healthy mom, nice shelter (although would not be my first choice), the mom is not too territorial/aggressive meaning she is a stable mother and is allowing the handling of the pups. Yes 17 is a lot of pups, but I have seen more.I can't say there is anything wrong with it just because I don't have any evidence to do so.