How can I stop my dog from scratching my wood floor?

My dog keeps scratching the same spot on my floor as if he is trying to dig something up.

    How can I stop my dog from scratching my wood floor?

    My dog keeps scratching the same spot on my floor as if he is trying to dig something up....
    General Dog Discussions : How can I stop my dog from scratching my wood floor?...

    • How can I stop my dog from scratching my wood floor?

      How can I stop my dog from scratching my wood floor? General Dog Discussions
      My dog keeps scratching the same spot on my floor as if he is trying to dig something up.

      How can I stop my dog from scratching my wood floor?

      How can I stop my dog from scratching my wood floor? General Dog Discussions
    • if it is always in the same spot try putting something in the spot that is unpleasant. Examples: bad smelling stuff such as cayenne pepper, pepper spray (can get at academy...will need to clear the room for about 30 min after spraying), citrus (only works with some dogs), onion, or whatever else he hates the smell of. As gross as this sounds, most dogs really hate the smell of their own poop and won't go anywhere near it. Or use something that doesn't feel good on his paws to scratch and put it on the floor where he scratches (may have to tape it down or put weights on it) such as sandpaper, fly paper, bubble wrap, or other. Go buy some ceramic floor tiles or a thick rubber utility mat to lay over the spot so his digging cannot damage anything. Try squirting with a water bottle every time he starts it if he does it when you are around. You have to trick him though and dont let him know that YOU are squirting the water...he has to think that it is just something that happens when he digs or else he will just wait until you are not around. If all else fails, you can apply SoftPaws to his nails (a plastic cap that is glued in place over the nail). You can get them at petsmart or other pet supply store or order online and they usually last 2-4 weeks depending on the rate of your dog's nail growth. Hope this helped. Good luck

    • get a gun and just show it to him .. you don't have to use it ...i have a ball that when you drop it it sounds like breaking glass .. when ever the dog did some thing bad i would lob it onto or near the dog and it would scare the hell out of it .. same theory with the water bottle squirt gun .. my dog just loves that game now spray me and I'll gnash my teeth at you bark like hell and run run run .. pays to be sneaky i was gonna say tell the dog NO but that may not be politically correct ...i've been reported for saying bad things like discipline your dog so i won't say that ,,, put your dog in a group therapy session or doggy rehab .