Where can we find a temporary home for my aunts dog in chicagoland area?

My uncle recently had surgery and cannot take care of the dog for the next 4 weeks or so. The dog is a little large and full of a lot of energy. My aunt really doesn't want to take him to an animal shelter but is really worried about the dog around my…

    Where can we find a temporary home for my aunts dog in chicagoland area?

    My uncle recently had surgery and cannot take care of the dog for the next 4 weeks or so. The dog is a little large and full of a lot of energy. My aunt really doesn't want to take him to an animal shelter but is really worried about the dog around my…...
    General Dog Discussions : Where can we find a temporary home for my aunts dog in chicagoland area?...

    • Where can we find a temporary home for my aunts dog in chicagoland area?

      Where can we find a temporary home for my aunts dog in chicagoland area? General Dog Discussions
      My uncle recently had surgery and cannot take care of the dog for the next 4 weeks or so. The dog is a little large and full of a lot of energy. My aunt really doesn't want to take him to an animal shelter but is really worried about the dog around my uncle. Anyone have any suggestions.

      Where can we find a temporary home for my aunts dog in chicagoland area?

      Where can we find a temporary home for my aunts dog in chicagoland area? General Dog Discussions
    • Phone the vet and ask if they know of anyone who will take the dog in for a month. You can also phone the breeder the dog came from or reputable kennels. The Humane Society may know of people who do this also. Try contacting all those to see if you find someone.Good luck.