What to do when your neighbor threaten to kill your dog and beat you up when you walk by his house w/ the dog?

I walked by this neighbor's house two times with my dog. One time we were actually on the other side of the street. A small dog come out and tried to bite my dog in both times. Both times, the owner's kids just call the dog's name and the dog never…

    What to do when your neighbor threaten to kill your dog and beat you up when you walk by his house w/ the dog?

    I walked by this neighbor's house two times with my dog. One time we were actually on the other side of the street. A small dog come out and tried to bite my dog in both times. Both times, the owner's kids just call the dog's name and the dog never…...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do when your neighbor threaten to kill your dog and beat you up when you walk by his house w/ the dog?...

    • What to do when your neighbor threaten to kill your dog and beat you up when you walk by his house w/ the dog?

      What to do when your neighbor threaten to kill your dog and beat you up when you walk by his house w/ the dog? General Dog Discussions
      I walked by this neighbor's house two times with my dog. One time we were actually on the other side of the street. A small dog come out and tried to bite my dog in both times. Both times, the owner's kids just call the dog's name and the dog never responded to the kids. I decided to be a good neighbor instead of calling the animal control. I went by the house. The guy said that he doesn't know whose dog that was. Then a kid come by with that small dog so I told her to keep her dog on leash instead of running around the front yard attacking other dogs. The guy said that it's ok to let dogs run around and his dogs got bit and he got bit before. It's not a big deal. He said that I am a bad neighbor b/c I complained. He said that I invadeted his privacy. He told my husband that he will beat him up and kill my dog if I ever walk my dog in his area again. He even followed us and tried to figure out where we live. His neighbor has filed compliants against his dogs and kids.

      What to do when your neighbor threaten to kill your dog and beat you up when you walk by his house w/ the dog?

      What to do when your neighbor threaten to kill your dog and beat you up when you walk by his house w/ the dog? General Dog Discussions
    • I would call the police, it sounds like a threat! Then I would call animal control, if he cannot contain his dogs and is a jerk he doesn't deserve to have any!

    • Call the police. He threatened you and you were in your rights. Be careful though once this guy knows that you called the police he may get more agressive. I consider a restraining order as well.

    • It's best to avoid this person altogether. Don't walk your dog over there. They sound unstable. However you should file a report against him because if something happens in the future you have documented proof that he's violent.

    • If your neighbor has threatened physical violence on you or your property (the dog) you have every right to file a harrassment claim. Not only is it causing you to live in fear but is also controlling when and where you walk in your own neighborhood. I know you probably don't want to do it, but the police should probably be aware of the situation. Don't assume he won't do anything or it is idle threats, put a stop to it before something terrible happens to you or your dog. Oh and he is the bad neighbor not you.

    • Carry a large, blunt weapon every time you walk your dog near his house, because it's doubtful he can get arrested or punished unless you have proof of an attack, or unless you can get many people to file complaints about him. Good defense...if he does attack you, you can fight back *and* ye've got your proof. :D

    • First off it sounds like this guy is a nut job, avoid him and his kids, maybe walk your dog in another direction. I know it would be nice to be able to put a stop to it, maybe you could call your local prosecuting attorney and ask him /her for advice as to how to handle it, this would help you to protect yourself legally. Reporting it to the police would be a good idea as well.

    • sorry you have to live near an a**hole, but they are out there. if it were me, i would take my two dogs and stand in the street right in front of his yard. but then again i have two rottweilers. the best advise i could give is to make contact with a police officer and let him know of the situation. ask him if he could park down the road while you walk by his house and see what happens. i wouldn't file a restraining order because it costs some money. otherwise i would just avoid the area. even though you have all the right in the world to be in the area, its just not worth having to deal with him

    • absolutely call the police! if this guy has threatened you, then at some point he will do something bad. even if it's not too you, you'll be helping the other person that he hurts by having a police file on him. don't wait, this retard will do something stupid! the police are really good and patient about these things. it won't be that bad of a hassel for you (I filed a identity theft report and it only took 1/2 hour).

    • File a report- that is violent behavior and it should not be tolerated. He sounds like a creep- don't let him get the upper hand. Plus if he does harm you or your dog than his threats will be on file and they will be able to charge him.

    • Contact the police, file a report and then find some other place to walk your dog. He sounds like a dangerous person. He may just be all talk but don't take the chance. Too many crazy things happening in the world today, play it safe, stay away from him.

    • File another complaint and call animal control. Squeaky doors get oiled. Complain until something gets done. Your not being a bad neighbor, you have the right to walk your dog where ever you want without having to worry about your neighbors dog biting you. And defininty try ro record it.

    • make a complaint with the police, they should caution him, which is obviously better than you calling around again. Also keep a diary of any related activity by your neighbour, you may also want to inform your legal rep that you are keeping notes and to be aware incase this escalates. If then he does persue these threats then it is all logged that he has motive and he will immediatly become main suspect, aven if no physical evidence can be found. I was given this advice when I recieved verbal threats from an ex and did not have enough evidence for an injunction

    • Tell your husband to stop being a chick and go kick his ass. I had one of my neighbors in an upscale neighborhood throw a baseball through my window for leaving my headlights on when I came in my drive at 11:00 at night. I confronted him about it and he said "I'll not pay for your window, and I'll kick your face in next time" so, went inside and stewed on it for an hour or so. then I went out and got in my car, raced the engine and put my lights pointing on his house. he came out and I knocked three of his teeth out, beat the piss out of his 18 year old son for trying to get in the middle of it, and sued him for my window. the police sided with me because he came into my yard and I handed him his ass. so, tell your man to stop being a chicken shit and provoke them onto your lawn.

    • Keep filing complaints with both the police and animal control. Have your neighbors file too. The more paperwork you generate detailing this behavior, the more protection (and evidence) you have when (or if) he does eventually strike.More paperwork also means more attention will be paid to the situation by the police and animal control. There are laws regarding animals and leash laws. To bad they don't apply to some people, huh?If the dogs are vicious, there are sprays that mail carries use to keep them away. Get it at sporting goods stores or Walmart in the camping section. I was gonna say, stay away from that area, but you should be able to walk across the street from him with no problems! I mean, following you home? That's just scary. Seriously, you shouldn't have to deal with this at all.Good Luck. Bummer about the nasty neighbor.