My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall). Help?

My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall) and hasn't "upchucked" it yet. We don't want the metal bars cutting or hurting his stomach or intestines so I want to know what to do. Help please?

    My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall). Help?

    My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall) and hasn't "upchucked" it yet. We don't want the metal bars cutting or hurting his stomach or intestines so I want to know what to do. Help please?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall). Help?...

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    • My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall). Help?

      My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall). Help? General Dog Discussions
      My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall) and hasn't "upchucked" it yet. We don't want the metal bars cutting or hurting his stomach or intestines so I want to know what to do. Help please?

      My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall). Help?

      My dog ate the electric plug (the thing that connects the cord to the wall). Help? General Dog Discussions
    • I would just wait it out. (no pun intended!)My dog swallowed a whole fudgesicle once (YES! Stick and ALL!) I was so worried. The vet said to wait and see if it would just pass on it's own. That was better than surgery.Only give it 2 days at the most....then visit the vet.Good Luck!Those dang dogs! They keep life interesting, don't they?!

    • call your vet but, I think he will tell you it will be okay and that it will all come out in the end. just watch him also to make sure he is okay and if not take him to a 24 hr. animal hospital. Hope this Helps.

    • Take your animal to your local vet clinic. If you have to, take him to one of the emergency vet clinics that are open 24/7. Don't listen to the dunderhead who said that the stomach acid will dissolve the plug - it will NOT do so. Stomach acid is composed of Hydrochloric acid, with small components of sodium chloride and potassium chloride thrown in - and that will NOT just dissolve a flippin electrical plug. There is always the possibility that the plug could get stuck, or the dog could move in such a way at the wrong time, and have the plug tear at the intestinal lining. It is better to be safe, rather than sorry, in this instance. Take the animal to a vet. You'll be glad you did.

    • The metal prongs will show up on X-ray. Your vet can decide which option is better.Emergency surgery to remove it from his tummy is usually only advised for large or sharp items, or those that are obstructing the normal flow of food through the digestive tract (socks are a good example).Depending on the size of your dog, the size of the plug, and where it is in your dog's system, they might just send him home and request you check his poop. or they may keep him there until he passes it, so if there's a problem they can quickly step in.Dogs eat strange things. An electric plug is not the strangest thing to have been eaten. Don't feel too bad.

    • Peroxide will make a dog throw up. I've done this under vet supervision. We had a rescue that ate all of his bandages. Here's a site with dosages