My dog ate an entire bottle of KY Intrigue?

No kidding. I just walked into my bedroom to find the empty, chewed-up bottle on the floor. There wasn't any lube on the floor, which leads me to think that the dog ate it all. Anybody know if this is bad for my dog? He's outside right now, because it…

    My dog ate an entire bottle of KY Intrigue?

    No kidding. I just walked into my bedroom to find the empty, chewed-up bottle on the floor. There wasn't any lube on the floor, which leads me to think that the dog ate it all. Anybody know if this is bad for my dog? He's outside right now, because it…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog ate an entire bottle of KY Intrigue?...

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    • My dog ate an entire bottle of KY Intrigue?

      My dog ate an entire bottle of KY Intrigue? General Dog Discussions
      No kidding. I just walked into my bedroom to find the empty, chewed-up bottle on the floor. There wasn't any lube on the floor, which leads me to think that the dog ate it all. Anybody know if this is bad for my dog? He's outside right now, because it can't be good for his digestion...

      My dog ate an entire bottle of KY Intrigue?

      My dog ate an entire bottle of KY Intrigue? General Dog Discussions
    • He'll probably throw it up... Make sure he gets lots of water and if you notice any changes in him (arousal!!!???...jk) take him to the vet. You could also try googling the ingredients and seeing if they're toxic or not. I would assume that they're not but you never know...

    • omg! well i'm almost positive that he is gonna have a big upset tummy, maybe diahrea and throw up but i dont think it will be that serious. he should just let it pass...... awkward. good thing dogs cant talk....... look look look i ate ur candy it was yummy!

    • Well Lube is mostly water based,I hope yours was, it should be ok, it might of tasted really really bad. Now if it was oil based i would start to worry more.Call the vet tomorrow to make sure of your dogs health history might have an impact

    • haha awww wow... i'm sorry i had to laugh it reminded me of a time when my one friends daughter used their jelly as gel for her hair, (of course it didn't work) anyway i don't know if it would hurt the dog or not, but normally when humans are using it some probably get ingested and it doesn't hurt humans, but then again there are things that humans can eat that dogs can't. What I would do is just call up a vet and ask them, it can't hurt, and i'm sure its not the first time they got a call like this, i bet it happens all the time. I would just call a vet as soon as you can to be better safe than sorry. Best wishes to you and your dog!

    • It's water based and probably not even remotely toxic since it's meant to be used on mucous membranes, but you should probably check with your vet anyway. Also...since the dog was able to get that bottle, you might have a look around and see if there's anything else the dog could get to that might be really dangerous.

    • One of my dogs drank from my mop and glo bucket of water. I called the poison control number on the back of the bottle. They said it would not harm the dog. I caught him right away. He truned out okay. I now block them out of the rooms when I'm mopping the floors. My suggestion from experience is to call poison control and to make sure anything possibly hazardous out of reach.

    • I like KY Intrigue as well. This has got to be the best question of the night. I can tell you that my son ate a bottle of ky( the normal kind) and was fine. I took him to the ER and everything because I was freaked out. Well, they didn't do nothing for me except send me a huge bill. There is nothing toxic in KY, it did not even irritate my sons stomach. So good luck to you, get a new bottle just keep it hidden better.