What is the best way to train your dog to use the bathroom outside and not inside the house?

It's been his what 5 time, and I'm kinda getting tired of cleaning his pee, sorry to be lazy, but I got lot of homework and other crap to do, and my parents are trying to help. I thought it was mean to stick their nose in the pee and say no no no. What…

    What is the best way to train your dog to use the bathroom outside and not inside the house?

    It's been his what 5 time, and I'm kinda getting tired of cleaning his pee, sorry to be lazy, but I got lot of homework and other crap to do, and my parents are trying to help. I thought it was mean to stick their nose in the pee and say no no no. What…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What is the best way to train your dog to use the bathroom outside and not inside the house?...

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    • What is the best way to train your dog to use the bathroom outside and not inside the house?

      What is the best way to train your dog to use the bathroom outside and not inside the house? Dogs Training Discussions
      It's been his what 5 time, and I'm kinda getting tired of cleaning his pee, sorry to be lazy, but I got lot of homework and other crap to do, and my parents are trying to help. I thought it was mean to stick their nose in the pee and say no no no. What would you do?

      What is the best way to train your dog to use the bathroom outside and not inside the house?

      What is the best way to train your dog to use the bathroom outside and not inside the house? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Crate train at night (or while you are away) in a crate large enough for just a bed the dog can lay in and room for food and water, dogs don't like to use the bathroom where they sleep. Let the dog out as soon as you get up, but during the day, you have to let the dog out every couple hours, or if you see it "searching" for a spot to go. Reward it everytime it goes outside with praise and or treats...stay consistant,the dog will eventually get it. I've house trained many-a-dog that way.

    • as soon as he eats get him out doors and wait until he goes,then praise and pet him. you have to keep doing this every hour or so until he learns where to do his job.patience and a keen watchfull eye will do the trick.it takes time and a few months to train him so you will have to make sure you keep putting him out a lot.

    • Well I am an owner of 5 dogs 3 cats and a vet so I have some tips.Put out newspapers in the garage, or somewhere tile, then sit with him until he pees, then say "Good boy." Do that everytime he goes on the NEWSPAPERS! Do this about whenever you get home from school, and watch the dogs behavior and take him outside when he is hyper, like when he has to go.Good luck!!!

    • let the dog out to go to the bathroom and try to teach it the word "potty" is what i taught my dogwhen the dog does go, reward him or her with a treatrepeat the word over and overso when she is out side she with think "ok if i go, then i will get a snack"if the dog does it in the house, say the word "bad" in a not so loving voice and put it outside

    • Take him out, take him out, take him out.! Praise him each time he does his work . DON'T ,punish him for accidents that are probably your fault. We all learn by reinforcing good behavior. Especially after eating ,take him for a walk around the block .first thng in a:m ,before bed time .When ou can't watch him all the time , get a crate and wee pads at the pet store .Not all dogs will use these. They all will go outside !

    • get him on a routine and constantly take him out and associate a word with the action. if he knows that as soon as you come home you will take him out to potty, that will stick. since he is a puppy, you have to take him out all the time or else he will have accidents inside. eventually he will learn to associate the place with the action.

    • Get into a walking routine and stick to it (share walking with your parents. When you need to go you get up off the couch walk down the hall and use the bathroom, well you just need to teach your dog where the bathroom is. For the first while bring a small treat with you on each walk and each time your dog goes praise him and give him a treat. After a while he'll get the idea that going outside is much more fun than going inside and you'll eventually be able to fade out the treats and replace them with just praise. Hope this helps.

    • Crate the dog and until the dog is reliably going outside she should have absolutely no unsupervised freedom in the house because that is when mistakes will happen. Take the dog outside after meals, playing and sleeping, if he does not go after 10 to 15 minutes return him to the crate for an additional 15 to 30 minutes and take him out again. If he still doesn't go repeat process. When he does finally go outside, wait til he is done and praise lavishly and reward with a treat. Housebreaking will only be successful if you are dilligent in watching him and taking him out as necessary and making sure he has no chance to make a mistake.Here is a link to a previous question about crate traininghttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvA3PyeaCLd2BS.leD.ejhvty6IX?qid=20070604184543AAdwz3FAlso you need to buy a cleaner like Nature's Miracle or Simple Solution to clean your carpets and to get the scent of urine and feces out of the carpet, the dog will not stop going in the house if the scent remains in the carpet or floor.