How Do I train my stubborn dog to heel?

My dog is sooooooooo stubborn! He will not do anything unless there is a treat involved, I've tried so many times to try and train him to heel, but it just won't work! How should I do it and how long does it usually take for a small stubborn lazy dog?My…

    How Do I train my stubborn dog to heel?

    My dog is sooooooooo stubborn! He will not do anything unless there is a treat involved, I've tried so many times to try and train him to heel, but it just won't work! How should I do it and how long does it usually take for a small stubborn lazy dog?My…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How Do I train my stubborn dog to heel?...

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    • How Do I train my stubborn dog to heel?

      How Do I train my stubborn dog to heel? Dogs Training Discussions
      My dog is sooooooooo stubborn! He will not do anything unless there is a treat involved, I've tried so many times to try and train him to heel, but it just won't work! How should I do it and how long does it usually take for a small stubborn lazy dog?My dog is a maltese and weighs like 8 pounds so I would prefer to use a harness on him if at all possible

      How Do I train my stubborn dog to heel?

      How Do I train my stubborn dog to heel? Dogs Training Discussions
    • I have a meduim dog that did that. We got him a chocker collor so when we said heel and pushed him back if he didn't go the collor would get tighter until he would have to listen. We also had to take him to leash training school and he finally got the idea after a month or so.

    • I don't use harnesses, but you need to get him to do a lot of abut faces.Talk to him to get his attention and stay with you. When he gets in front of you turn around and go the other way. You don't have to jerk him, just talk to him. If he doesn't keep up, turn and way the other way again. He'll figure out he has to be right next to you and it doesn't take long for them to learn. Just keep doing it every day until he gets it, but he'll figure it out the first day and just need reinforced. Stop giving treats!If you're teaching a trick then maybe you need treats, but for obedience, it is just that. Obedience! He's the dog and his place is next to you. Giving him a treat is not teaching him to behave when you tell him, it's letting him know he only has to do it if he wants something. He has to know come, sit, stay , heel and down. Sometimes these commands will be needed to even save your dogs life, so work on all of them and remember. NO TREATS!Work with him for about 15 minutes a day and stop only when he does it right, not when you get fed up. To long of a training session will make a dog lose interest, so just do the 15 minutes for now.