What is the best way to litter box train a dog?

I am trying to train a 4 mth old Dachshund to use a dog litter box. This has become a challenge because I can never seem to catch him when he goes *he always hides* and he seems to think the dog litter is food. Anyone have any advice on this? He always…

    What is the best way to litter box train a dog?

    I am trying to train a 4 mth old Dachshund to use a dog litter box. This has become a challenge because I can never seem to catch him when he goes *he always hides* and he seems to think the dog litter is food. Anyone have any advice on this? He always…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What is the best way to litter box train a dog?...

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    • What is the best way to litter box train a dog?

      What is the best way to litter box train a dog? Dogs Training Discussions
      I am trying to train a 4 mth old Dachshund to use a dog litter box. This has become a challenge because I can never seem to catch him when he goes *he always hides* and he seems to think the dog litter is food. Anyone have any advice on this? He always has problems with chewing and barking when I leave...I've sprayed most stuff with bitter spray to detour him from it..any advice is much appreciate..

      What is the best way to litter box train a dog?

      What is the best way to litter box train a dog? Dogs Training Discussions
    • http://www.kturby.com/litter/litter.htmThat's a good link.But since he thinks the litter is food...don't get litter. Use things like old newspapers and stuff like that. Most likely the dogs wouldn't eat that. Take a look at the link. It's in full detail. And its still a puppy so its still learning. Try to keep your dog nearby so you can scold him when he goes on the floor or things like taht. You can also set up a pen and place the dog there. the litterbox with the newspaper should be there. So he has a chew toy and a litterbox. When he has to go. He'll go on the floor but he won't be able to hide. If he goes in the litterbox, praise him and give him treats. Then he'll work hard to get the treats.

    • What is your dog's weakness? Maybe if find it out, you litter box train him. Just say that your dog's weakness is water. You can spray water on your dog every time it litters. I don't know. Maybe your dog's weakness is that your dog is very ticklish!

    • Litter training a dog is ALWAYS a bad idea! They should never pee or poo in the house! Even if it is in litter box! Cats are litter trained, dogs are trained to go outside! But if you insist then put him in the litter box every hour and wait 5 minutes to see if he needs to go! Also non clumping litter is best until he learns not to eat it as non clumping will not harm the dog as clumping will case health issues if ingested! Good luck!

    • you litter train a cat not a dog ... unless your dog or you has some medical issue, you are screwing the dog up trying to train him to use a litter box ... in my experience, litter boxes for dogs are chosen by lazy owners who somehow think that it will be easier ... i think you need professional help training this dog ... spraying stuff with bitter apple is not a training technique ... have you done any research on crate training ??? could you bring your dog to puppy kindergarten training classes and then proceed through all levels ??? my advice is housebreak the dog properly, lose the litter box, and get a crate, and some professional training ... and a barking dog when left is a dog not exercised enough ... and when you leave and he is in a crate, he can not chew anything up ...