How can I get my dog to lose weight?

My dog is a chiwinni and she is about 13 pounds. I've tried diet food, but she kept eating EVERYTHING she could find on the floor. I also try to take her for walks but as soon as I get her out the front door she starts pulling and then she sits so I cant…

    How can I get my dog to lose weight?

    My dog is a chiwinni and she is about 13 pounds. I've tried diet food, but she kept eating EVERYTHING she could find on the floor. I also try to take her for walks but as soon as I get her out the front door she starts pulling and then she sits so I cant…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can I get my dog to lose weight?...

    • How can I get my dog to lose weight?

      How can I get my dog to lose weight? Dogs Training Discussions
      My dog is a chiwinni and she is about 13 pounds. I've tried diet food, but she kept eating EVERYTHING she could find on the floor. I also try to take her for walks but as soon as I get her out the front door she starts pulling and then she sits so I cant get her to go. I have to kind of push her butt for her to go.. And sometimes it takes awhile. How can I get her to start actually walking?

      How can I get my dog to lose weight?

      How can I get my dog to lose weight? Dogs Training Discussions
    • First of all, there is no such thing as a "chiwinni." You have a mutt. 13 pounds doesn't sound overweight to me for that mixed breed. Take her to the vet and see what they advise. She needs more training. You obviously haven't been walking her or she would actually walk.

    • If you have a dog park near your house take your dog there. I take my dog there a few times a week. It gives my dog a chance to run around and get some exercise.Just like almost everything else you taught your pet, it takes training. You have to train a dog to behave on a walk. My dog also use to pull the leash too much but after awhile she stopped. It just takes time and patience.

    • Take a class for your dog at PetSmart or go there and ask a trainer for advice. I took my dog to dog school at PetSmart and it didn't dramatically change my dog, but I learned knew ways of interacting with my pet and also some valuable information.For one thing, don't leave your dog's food bowl out. Watch how much your dog eats and limit it. You can ask a trainer at Petsmart how much food is not enough so you know not to go there.You don't want to starve your dog, neither feed your dog too much. Maybe like 2 to 3 cups of food a day with some snacks is something I just pulled out. Maybe you may come up with a meal plan.During the dog classes, the trainer always works with treats. They also suggest to bring treats with you when you walk them. It's one way to get your dog to listen and it might give your dog motivation to go out for a walk.You can try playing with your dog and chase them around the house. That's what I do with my dog. He likes running wild and I chase him to keep him running.If you know of any leash free parks, try taking your dog there. My dog, I just started taking him to one, started off by sniffing everything and peeing everywhere. But that's my dog. He just sniffs and sniffs. But if your dog finds a friend or is attracted to a dog, they can run together or you dog can chase and follow the other dog wherever it goes. The second day, my dog would follow a pack of dogs and trot quickly but not run real fast. He also found a female dog who he would follow and chase.I think using that diet food is a good idea.

    • I don't know what you're feeding, but just feed less. Some dogs simply require less food generally. For instance, I have a BIG collie, and he only needs 2 cups of food per day. And inactive dogs may require even less.You could also make eating have some exercise to it by not giving it in a bowl. Give it as little treats instead to encourage her to walk on the leash - hold them out in front of her one at a time, until she understands walking on a leash. Then give them as treats sporadically. Another thing you could do is put some in a Kong to make her work to get them out.Good luck.

    • First off teach your dog the command LEAVE IT. That will prevent her from eating stuff off the floor (if you catch her). Works with my American Bulldog (who's a vaccuum) when my baby drops food or her milk bottles on the floor.Second, you don't have to change her food. Try giving her less of it & NO TREATS AT ALL. My AB is also on a diet. She gets walked twice a day for 30mins (my hubby's on a bike since I'm preggers) & instead of 4cups of food a day, she gets fed twice a day 1.5 cups of food every feeding. Try also feeding her twice a day the reduced amount of food. If you MUST give her treats. TRY CELERY. That's what my vet recommended. If your dog eats ANYTHING &/or EVERYTHING, they'll eat this. Go to to be told on how to properly walk a dog (I'm lazy & don't feel like typing how to do it) because NO DOG doesn't want to be walked.

    • What kind of diet food did you try? This option will be more expensive....but I'm a firm believer that it can work. Science Diet R/D is a prescription food for weight loss. One of my parents' dachshunds eats it and he went from about 16 lbs to around 12. I know that doesn't sound like alot of weight, but for a small dog it is huge. He's 9 years old and he looked it. Now that he's lost the weight he looks and plays like he is 3 years old. He's a totally different dog. It's possible that once your dog loses some weight she might love to go for walks, which would even help her weight more! Also, do you give her treats? A few are definitely ok, but my parents' dog would run and sit under the treats every time he came in from outside, and my parents would feel bad and give him one. They now give him one kibble of the diet food each time he comes inside which to him is just as good as a treat. He still gets a few real treats too but that has cut down on them alot. I hope this helps, good luck with your little one!