Is it animal abuse to not walk your dog?

Some dog owners are not active and do not go on any walks and keep their dog cooped up 24/7. They might not have a spacious yard so the dog is just sitting around either inside or outside not going on any walks. I that abuse?Jen,2. To hurt or injure by…

    Is it animal abuse to not walk your dog?

    Some dog owners are not active and do not go on any walks and keep their dog cooped up 24/7. They might not have a spacious yard so the dog is just sitting around either inside or outside not going on any walks. I that abuse?Jen,2. To hurt or injure by…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Is it animal abuse to not walk your dog?...

    • Is it animal abuse to not walk your dog?

      Is it animal abuse to not walk your dog? Dogs Training Discussions
      Some dog owners are not active and do not go on any walks and keep their dog cooped up 24/7. They might not have a spacious yard so the dog is just sitting around either inside or outside not going on any walks. I that abuse?Jen,2. To hurt or injure by maltreatment; ill-useA sedentary life for a dog is unhealthy both physically and mentally.

      Is it animal abuse to not walk your dog?

      Is it animal abuse to not walk your dog? Dogs Training Discussions
    • I consider it abuse even if they have a yard, large or small.Neglect is abuse.Someone has the privilege of owning another empathic being with needs and neglects those needs for what reason? em, the words dog and walker come to mind, as do, family, friends, neighbours etcIf someone minds walking their dog or is not capable of walking a dog even though it has its the right thing for the dog, plenty people will be able to house that dog and meet its needs.I live in the country and people in the country DO walk their dogs, unless they are unable or too lazy to do so. I agree with Casey on this. My dog has plenty room to run and play in the yard but still needs (and deserves) the stimulation of leaving those boundaries. My dog is calm, obedient, quiet and respectful at home, playful and and protective in the yard without being overly protective or aggressive and this is because the dog gets proper exercise. Any active and social being needs to see more than its own back yard, kennel and home. People can make as many excuses as they like...but they cannot say there is not a difference between dogs that are exercised daily compared to 'sedentary' dogs, in mind/behaviour/mental health, spirit/contentedness and body/fitness/physical health.If a dog is not exercised and then becomes territorial, anxious around other dogs, destructive in the yard etc then that dog is not content and secure or being stimulated enough, that dog also has a higher chance of heart disease earlier onset of hip dysplasia, possibly obesity, lack of strength musculoskeletal wise leading to possibly preventable injuries etc then Im not going to say that its not abuse since after all other dogs have it worse and have been set alight after being fought in a pit! Abuse is abuse, some more disgusting than other types but still not ok in my book. If a child is knocked about by a father but another is murdered by a father does that mean the first is not suffering abuse? OF COURSE NOT! To say its not abuse to not walk a dog because others are starved and beaten is rediculous.My dog has a morning walk which is on leash, an afternoon walk off-leash for a minimum of an hour (including retrieving, playing with toys, free running) and afternoon walk of about 15 mins and a 30 min evening walk of which 15 mins is off leash and still gets to play in the yard and lay outside. Just because he is walked does not mean he cannot get outdoor access and is being forced to walk at my pace only. He also has weekly hikes and trips to the 'dog park' where he knows how to behave with other dogs - since he has adequate exercise and socialisation, he also has Kongs etc at home.I would not have it any other way and Im sure that given the choice no dog would swap that lifestyle for a yard and a dog door. Even if someone can only do 3x 30 mins walks each day - isn't your pet worth that?Thats my last comment on this question.

    • I dont think it is technically 'abuse' if the dog isnt being walked but is being well fed and otherwise well kept. Its pretty shitty of them though to keep the dog cooped up all the time though.

    • nope not abuse. it'd be nice for the dog but they have enough room to run around in any yard at least once a day. i let my dogs out when ever they want unless i have a reason to keep them in

    • No, it is not abuse.a·buse (-byz)tr.v. a·bused, a·bus·ing, a·bus·es 1. To use wrongly or improperly; misuse: abuse alcohol; abuse a privilege.2. To hurt or injure by maltreatment; ill-use.3. To force sexual activity on; rape or molest.4. To assail with contemptuous, coarse, or insulting words; revile.5. Obsolete To deceive or trick.Not taking a dog walkies, does not constitute abuse.[ADD]Like i said, it does NOT constitute abuse. Go and try and report someone who does that for ''abuse'' on their dog.... Won't happen.

    • I don't think its abuse.I take all 4 of my dogs to the dog park every single weekend. Usually both days, but sometimes just on Sunday. We spend about 3 hours there each time. My dogs even have doggy friends (the regulars at the park.)During the week, I do walk them, but not overly so. Some days I don't walk them and just let them go outside in their kennel/run for their outside/exercise time. (Mind you the kennel is HUGE.)Now, if the dog never gets to go outside and sits indoors all day/everyday with no exercise. THAT is abusive.

    • Abusive is not the right word but it is neglect. WHen people get a dog or any animal they should put in the time to care for it properly. If they are sick or cannot walk long distances get a dog walker, if they are to busy get someone to walk or care for your dog. Dogs need exercise and to deprive them from it would be kinda like depriving it from proper food, it's neglect.

    • i personally think it is wrong to not walk a dog ... yesterday someone asked about whether or not their husky was getting enough exercise in the backyard only due to a bad neighbourhood which made it not possible for her/him to walk the dog ... ever ... to me that is abusive ... especially for dogs that require exercise and stimulation ... even pugs and chihuahuas should be walked daily in my opinion ... i was quite shocked that the majority of the answers to the husky question were it was okay ... i really found that unbelievable ... i do not believe a backyard is exercise, it is merely play and nothing wrong with that, but dogs need to get out just like people and walk ...

    • no, its not abuse. i live in the country, no one here "walks" their dog. mine gets turned out into my big fenced front yard with toys, me and the kids go out and play with her, but as far as actual walks, no we dont do that, theres no need to put her on a leash when she has all kinds of room to play.why is it better to put a dog on a leash and make it walk at your pace, which is normally slower then the dogs usual pace, then to have plenty of room and play time in the yard off of a leash?? thats dog is a shih tzu, shes a housedog. she gets to go out whenever she wants/needs to. and we spend time every day with the exception of days it rains ALL day and we cant get out which is rare, the kids love getting out to play so its good for everyone involved....some of you need to pull your head out of your butt and realize not everyone lives in a little apartment in the city.

    • No.If they are not giving their dog exercise at all I'd consider it neglect but I doubt the AC would care.I don't walk my dog that often. He gets other forms of exercise that he enjoys & I prefer.

    • When I think of abuse I think of starvation, beating, etc.Not walking a dog is not *abuse* in my eyes.Yes, it is TOTALLY necessary when owning a dog. It creates structure and balance for a dog. Someone who has a large yard (I live on just over an acre of land), needs to still walk their dog, it's part of how a dog gets not only physical stimuation but mental stimulation as well by being able to see, hear and smell new things.Walking a dog is also a good way to bond with your pet. Being the pack leader, and walking your dog on a regular schedule gets your dogs to look up to you and respect you. Personally I cannot NOT walk my dogs because then they become destructive and are an annoyance in the home.They get a minimum of two hours per day and no, I do not get the chance to walk them in the that means I am usually walking them from 7:00-9:00 depending when I get off from work. Yes it can suck, especially in the night time when it's pitch dark out, but it's also soothing and calming for me when there is no one else around and it's just you and your dogs and an open road...So no, not walking a dog isn't abuse for me. I think there are far worse things that people can do to their dogs. A lot of people own dogs but they are able to provide adequate veterinary care, food, water, shelter etc. but if they choose not to walk their dog I can't really justify that as abuse. Is it wrong? Sure...a lot of people in my town have dogs and don't walk them.I, along with a lady who has an English Setter are probably the only two people I see on a regular basis walking dogs. Unless they sneak out at night like me...