Why is it always the dogs fault for biting your child when it is clearly the kids fault?

Example: Dog is sleeping minding his own business when a child comes up and kicks it, pulls his hair and tail and damn near gorges his eyes out!! What the hell do you expect the dog to do! How would you like it if someone did that to you? Wouldn't you…

    Why is it always the dogs fault for biting your child when it is clearly the kids fault?

    Example: Dog is sleeping minding his own business when a child comes up and kicks it, pulls his hair and tail and damn near gorges his eyes out!! What the hell do you expect the dog to do! How would you like it if someone did that to you? Wouldn't you…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Why is it always the dogs fault for biting your child when it is clearly the kids fault?...

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    • Why is it always the dogs fault for biting your child when it is clearly the kids fault?

      Why is it always the dogs fault for biting your child when it is clearly the kids fault? Dogs Training Discussions
      Example: Dog is sleeping minding his own business when a child comes up and kicks it, pulls his hair and tail and damn near gorges his eyes out!! What the hell do you expect the dog to do! How would you like it if someone did that to you? Wouldn't you bite them?

      Why is it always the dogs fault for biting your child when it is clearly the kids fault?

      Why is it always the dogs fault for biting your child when it is clearly the kids fault? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Nobody wants to think their beloved child could do something to warrant being bitten.You see the same thing happening with adults - look at BSL. People are trying to ban certain breeds that WE created in the first place because suddenly we don't want to take responsibility for our actions (IE our actions being the breeding, sales, training, abuse of said animals).

    • I find each situation to be unique and shouldn't be judged all the same.In your example the child is to blame just like in most instances but most parents will never blame a child for their lack of upbringing because it means the blame is on the parents. There are instances where the dog is to blame but they're usually outnumbered by instances where the child is to blame.

    • Yes i would. People like to pretend their children can do no wrong. However, it depends on the situation. If you let your dog run loose (as in, not on a leash) the owner will definitely be to blame. The dog shouldnt even have an opportunity to bite a small child if the parents are properly monitoring their child. (unless the parents own the dog as well, in that case, well, accidents happen). My little brother would poke the cat with pens and i would scream at him, he would get scratched and my mom would defend him.

    • It's neither the dog or child's fault!!!It's the ignorant, lazy parents/dog owners fault for not be responsible & knowledgeable & teaching their child the ways of properly handling & treating another living creature. My son knew how to treat a Chihuahua when he was 2 years old. People think babies are incapable of learning. They are not. They are humans for crying out loud, they WILL learn what you teach them, but most people are too lazy to train their dog or teach their child, I'm damn proud I'm not one of them.

    • Children should not be unsupervised near dogs for this reason. Irresponsible owners and parent are the sole course of dogs being put down (weather it bites a child, gets out and attacks someone, or is neglected and put down in a shelter).Oh my aren't humans horrid!

    • I always tell my son to not aggravate the dog. I let him know that if he keeps it up he will get bit. I do not blame the dog when I know it is the child's fault.

    • Each individual situation has to be evaluated separately. In most cases it is the parent's fault. A child unsupervised with a dog is a parent's fault. A child who hits a dog and pokes its eyes is the parent's fault. A child who hits a parent while the parent is sleeping is the parent's fault.Sorry Sheba, but if my child ever behaved that way to me, there would be a behind the woodshed incident right after. To not discipline a child for hitting someone is a grave error in judgement and just plain bad parenting. Those poor dogs probably don't so much have even temperaments as they have dire fear of repercussions.As far as the dog who grabbed an infant, that was probably because the dog had not been socialized around babies and surely thought it was a toy. While a horrific incident and surely a good reason to put the dog down, still the fault of the parents for not socializing the dog.So yes, it is a problem with our society, but not because the dogs are bad, but because people are lazy and stupid when it comes to raising their kids and their dogs. It is so easy to blame the dog, but aren't we supposed to be the ones in control? Aren't we the humans? Let's let responsibility lie where it should and not dump it on an animal.

    • I absolutely agree it is the parent of the child that is at fault...not the dog! But with that said I also will not tolerate a dog that bites a person...NO MATTER WHAT! I expect the dog to get outta the way! Now before all you people get your panties in a wad, I am not for one second saying that a child has any right to do that to a dog and I totally expect that a parent should ALWAYS be supervising a dog and child together but I also know that accidents happen where a baby might fall on/over a sleeping dog, or in a split second step on a foot or ear. I expect the dog to get out of the way of the baby. It is just not acceptable to allow a dog to bite a child no matter what they do. I have always taught my children to respect and treat all animals gently and never allowed them to mistreat them. But I have also had the baby learning to walk and in a blink of an eye run towards the dog sleeping by a chair, the baby fell forward and the dog jumped up and moved out of the way. I reinforce the fact that the baby is still over the dog just as I would never tolerate the dog biting or nipping me in fear or pain I teach the same response to my dogs with the grand baby. I don't care what the dog would "want" to do, it's what it's "allowed/going" to do!

    • if i put two animals in a room, be it a child and dog, cat and dog, lion and bear or what ever. what ever happens in that room is my doing, my action, my liability. it is MY FAULT!!!

    • Simple. Kids should be under the protection of their parents because that's what kids need. It is entirely the parents fault if they have a dog that bites a naughty child either because they have not taught the child to leave the dog alone or they have a dog that's temperamentally unsound when it comes to permitting children to pester it. Leaving little kids unsupervised with a dog is asking for trouble. - Dogs are pets and someone's property in law, children are humans and come first right or wrong.

    • Train your dogSupervise your small children at all timesteach all children to respect the rights of the dog3 simple things, if you do them then you are far less likely to have any such problem, if you don't it's your own fault when the child gets bittenWho is going to just stand or sit and watch while a child does this?If you don't see it, why is the child unsupervised with the dog

    • I had this same feeling over the weekend when some stupid kid DROPPED my 3 month old Papillion puppy during a visit to Petsmart.She asked if she could pick up my puppy and I told her no very clearly THREE TIMES, because he wiggles and could be badly injured if he fell from her arms (which I also explained to her). So she was petting him and I accidently dropped on of the dog toys I was about to purchase, I bent down to pick it up and within 2 seconds she was holding my puppy. I told her to put him down and "please don't pick up my dog", again, and low and behold, she dropped him while trying to put him down quickly.My puppy screamed and whimpered when he hit the ground, luckily he was fine, just scared. But I was so upset. The mom came over and said a quick "sorry" but then b-lined it for the exit (I'm guess so I couldn't hold her or her child responsible if something was actually wrong with my puppy). I was so MAD! I told the child three times not to pick up my dog, and the girl was like 12 years old, she knows better and how to listen!I guess I was so angry because if that situation were reversed, and my dog had hurt the child ... he'd be on his way to the pound and the misbehaved child would be a freaking "hero" for surviving the ordeal! What if she had asked to pet my dog and I said no, and she did it anyway and got biten? Even though she directly went against my instructions, I would be the awful owner and my dog would probably get put down. Yes, dogs should be socialized to be paitent and not resort to biting, but at the same time, kids should be taught to respect all living creatures and LISTEN to dog owners.It really has to do with the parenting. Parents don't want to "force" their kids to do anything these days, it's "too controlling". "Just let kids be kids". So that they can be the "cool mom" that is a best friend, not a parental figure. And if they get in trouble? ... no, THEIR kid would never get in trouble! So then listening to a stranger about treating a dog properly ... NEVER going to happen. The child is going to do whatever he/she pleases, since that's the way they were raised.

    • My brother always does this. Solution: If you have your own kids, it isn't the dog's fault: it's the kid's fault. Set ground rules like when the kids do something that harms the animal, take them to their room and spank them or something.

    • My dog is not prone to biting...but I let my daughter know that if she picks on him that he might bite her. Do I want my dog to bite her? No. Do I leave them alone together? No. I do my best to monitor BOTH of them. If she gets bit or he gets hurt--both would be my fault.