How do I know when my dog will have her babies?

Okay so she just had a clear discharge. I feel the babies moving around in her stomach while im holding her. She sleeps way more than usual and she is getting very lazy and vicious with her mate like she doesn't want him to be near her sometimes cause…

    How do I know when my dog will have her babies?

    Okay so she just had a clear discharge. I feel the babies moving around in her stomach while im holding her. She sleeps way more than usual and she is getting very lazy and vicious with her mate like she doesn't want him to be near her sometimes cause…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do I know when my dog will have her babies?...

    • How do I know when my dog will have her babies?

      How do I know when my dog will have her babies? Dogs Training Discussions
      Okay so she just had a clear discharge. I feel the babies moving around in her stomach while im holding her. She sleeps way more than usual and she is getting very lazy and vicious with her mate like she doesn't want him to be near her sometimes cause she barks && growls at him. I want to know will she be delivering soon? I can't wait to see her pups (:Also, she has been breathing very fast and panting heavily.

      How do I know when my dog will have her babies?

      How do I know when my dog will have her babies? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Dogs are pregnant usually 62-63 days from the day they are bred. When it gets within a few days of that time take her temperature, it will drop to 99 when shes 24 hours within giving birth to her pups. She will also start looking for a comfortable spot to have her pups. Good luck with the new puppies!! :)

    • Panting and the clear discharge are good signs that she should have them soon. I waited and waited for my pups to be born the first time and first got a yellow discharge, followed later by a white/clear discharge and after that they were born. She paced a lot, breathed heavily, and starred at me constantly. Those are all good signs. Once they arrive if you are with her, make sure she licks the clear sacks away from their mouths or they can suffocate. If she doesn't do it on her own, do it for her. They break easily. Just have everything you need with you in case you need to use it. Including a vets number. If the puppies seem to have breathing difficulties rub them with a cloth in an up and down motion. I hope you have no problems but if this is your first litter (sounds like it) then I like to give any advice I can.