How much water does my dog need per day?

She weighs 60 pounds. Not fat at all. Not lazy but not constantly active.I have water out all the time I just don't know if there is a certain amount she should drink.

    How much water does my dog need per day?

    She weighs 60 pounds. Not fat at all. Not lazy but not constantly active.I have water out all the time I just don't know if there is a certain amount she should drink....
    Dogs Training Discussions : How much water does my dog need per day?...

    • How much water does my dog need per day?

      How much water does my dog need per day? Dogs Training Discussions
      She weighs 60 pounds. Not fat at all. Not lazy but not constantly active.I have water out all the time I just don't know if there is a certain amount she should drink.

      How much water does my dog need per day?

      How much water does my dog need per day? Dogs Training Discussions
    • depends on the weather conditions and how active your dog is throughout the day but a clean bowl of water should be available to your dog throughout the day. I actually leave two bowls of water and a big tub (well not exactly a TUB but like a small storage box that goes under the bed) my dogs like to play with water - they will keep pawing at it until it's all gone - so i make sure they have more than enough water throughout the day. There really is no exact amount - if your dog feels like she needs it - then she will drink - If she's not drinking you dont need to force her to drink or anything unless she is dehydrated. In that case i will make frozen milk treats from puppy formula for my dogs on a hot day to make sure they get enough fluids.

    • I have a fresh flow water dish in the kitchen(large size) and a smaller one in my bedroom so that my dogs, a Bichon Frise and a Shih Tzu can have water when ever they are thirsty, because they can't go in the fridge and get a glass of something to drink like humans can, so I would say you should have water available 24/7 and make sure you change it several times a day, unless you have the fresh flow because it filters the water by itself, if you get a dish like this I chage mine every week and take apart the pump and wash the whole thing with soap and warm water.

    • As long as you make sure water is available at all times, she should be fine. She will drink when she is thirsty, so don't worry about how much she is getting. Just make sure there is fresh water available all the time. The only time I would ever worry is if she stops drinking altogether!

    • The minimum amount necessary is usually considered to be in the range of 30 milliliters per pound of weight. Since your girl weighs about 60 lbs (and I'm so glad she's not fat -- she'll live longer as a slim dog!), you can expect her to need around 1800 milliliters, or about a half a US gallon.Remember that she will get a lot of this water from her food. If you feed her dry food, it's about 10% water (and many of us add water to the bowl). If you feed wet food, that's really just "dog soup", because it can be up to 78% water!Reassuringly, most dogs will drink enough water as long as cool, clean water is available to them all the time. That's our job!Want to check your dog to make sure she's not dehydrated? Pick up a fold of skin, and let go of it. If it snaps back to her body, she's fine. If it stands in a fold, she's dehydrated. This is a general test, and you have to take into consideration if the dog is of a breed that has lots of extra skin! But it works most of the time.Keep on loving that dog!