What are some of the most effective dog training books to used? Which ones are the best?

I'm trying to buy a good dog training book so I can train my dog at home. There are so many I don't know which ones would be the best to get. So if you've ever used a dog training book, let me know what you thought about it.

    What are some of the most effective dog training books to used? Which ones are the best?

    I'm trying to buy a good dog training book so I can train my dog at home. There are so many I don't know which ones would be the best to get. So if you've ever used a dog training book, let me know what you thought about it....
    Dogs Training Discussions : What are some of the most effective dog training books to used? Which ones are the best?...

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    • What are some of the most effective dog training books to used? Which ones are the best?

      What are some of the most effective dog training books to used? Which ones are the best? Dogs Training Discussions
      I'm trying to buy a good dog training book so I can train my dog at home. There are so many I don't know which ones would be the best to get. So if you've ever used a dog training book, let me know what you thought about it.

      What are some of the most effective dog training books to used? Which ones are the best?

      What are some of the most effective dog training books to used? Which ones are the best? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Two MUST read books for you are Dog Problem: Gentle and modern solutions by David Weston and The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell. I once asked this question on a forum and got some good answers here is the link if you want to check it out: http://www.dogforums.com/2-general-dog-forum/35912-need-your-guy-s.htmlETA: I would stay away from the Koehler Training book, I just read it and its appauling. In general stay away from books that focus on negative training.

    • The local public library would be jealous of my collection of dog/animal related books. LOLThis is one of my favorites though http://www.canisclickertraining.com/clickertraining/ (Its a VERY nice ebook)

    • OK here's what the deal is.i had went out an got me a husky puppy some 12 years ago now she is no longer alive i loved my old Tasha. anyway at the same time i got her. i picked up this book husky for dummies i swear it was the best thing i did. it was always on the money.maybe you can find a book like that for your doggy. good luck.

    • PetSmart and other corporations offer great petsmart training,I had to go to training for three weeks to be cerified! They work from the basics. I am actually and accredited pet trainer for petsmart. In the classes that I teach we work on potty training, discouraging unwanted behaviors such as barking, nipping, jumping chewing and potty training. We also do the basics such as sit, down, leave it, drop it, take it, walking on a leash, loose leash walking, come when called. Shake, hi five, bang bang dead dong, and so much more. The classes are so beneficial to you and your puppy, we use positive reinforcement. =) You should look into it!

    • I don't know...Answer mine please help anyone?!?!http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AmDB2hVz5cpYgkLtOh0hrvng5gt.;_ylv=3?qid=20091027134006AAnz8Y2

    • Easy!i would say for overal training, to train your own dog and learn enough to make money of trainign other dogs go with the following: -"Tips on how to secretly train your dog"http://www.housetrainingadogtips.com/reccommends/housetrainingadog.phpOR for dog aggression specifically-"The quick guide to dog aggression"http://www.housetrainingadogtips.com/reccommends/dogobediencetraining.php

    • As a dog owner myself, I had trouble training my 2 husker before. I have searched the website and came across this ebook which I used and it turns out to be the same as recommended by Bindi. It's called the clicker training. http://www.canisclickertraining.com/clickertraining/?hop=wxzengI would also suggest that you read up more on how to give your dog nutritious meals as it will help to keep them in good shape and in good mood too. Keeping them happy helps in dog training as well.

    • Secrets to Dog Training (http://www.training-dogs-information.com/) is the top selling dog training book for the 4th year in a row. I've bought it myself and it's excellent. They also include consultations with their own dog training experts on your own dog's behavior problems.

    • My boyfriend and I, had just got our dog(Max) and it was very hard at first because it was in the apartment. Our dog wasnt really a listener and had like anxiety. Maybe since he didnt really know us, we tried a couple books that really didnt make much of a difference. Then we tried " Secrects to Dog Triaining" it was easier since it explains everything step by step. We have seen a lot of improvement with him. There are still a few things I still want to improve but you can notice the different right away. well hope this helps and good luck. *Here is the website in case you want to take a look at the bookhttp://357c0bj9hr5rf0antnuiki9r8q.hop.clickbank.net/