How can I obtain my dog training license?

I am currently looking to get my dog training license, and I don't know if I just retarded but I can't find any information on how get it anywhere. I'm just trying to figure out where to get it, the cost, all that nonsense.Sorry, I guess I meant my…

    How can I obtain my dog training license?

    I am currently looking to get my dog training license, and I don't know if I just retarded but I can't find any information on how get it anywhere. I'm just trying to figure out where to get it, the cost, all that nonsense.Sorry, I guess I meant my…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can I obtain my dog training license?...

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    • How can I obtain my dog training license?

      How can I obtain my dog training license? Dogs Training Discussions
      I am currently looking to get my dog training license, and I don't know if I just retarded but I can't find any information on how get it anywhere. I'm just trying to figure out where to get it, the cost, all that nonsense.Sorry, I guess I meant my business license. I would like to start my own pet care/training business. I assume I need a license for that...

      How can I obtain my dog training license?

      How can I obtain my dog training license? Dogs Training Discussions
    • What is it?? ... I mean there are schools that offer dog training certificates .. but you do not need them to train dogs ... in fact most good trainers don't go to school, they learn from other good trainers.If you want to start training dogs, you have several options, go hang fliers advertising your services. Take you well trained dog to a dog park & when people ask how you got your dog to behave so well, tell them your a trainer, go to petco/petsmart and get a job as a dog trainer as they will take people without experience and love people who are experienced, go to a local kennel club and ask about a job, go to a local shelter and ask if they are hiring or looking for volunteers (if you can help a few dogs there, the staff will recommend you to everyone) and on and onBut I don't know what you mean by 'license' there are business licenses, but I think you'll have to be Incorporated and such to need them luck