How can you get your neighbors to clean up after their dog's poop?

We live in a townhome, and our "backyard" is connected to our neighbors' backyards without a fence. Our neighbors NEVER clean up after their dog's poop. I've stepped in it, gotten it on my pants, my dog played with their dog and rolled in it accidentally…

    How can you get your neighbors to clean up after their dog's poop?

    We live in a townhome, and our "backyard" is connected to our neighbors' backyards without a fence. Our neighbors NEVER clean up after their dog's poop. I've stepped in it, gotten it on my pants, my dog played with their dog and rolled in it accidentally…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can you get your neighbors to clean up after their dog's poop?...

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    • Call your city's animal control department and ask them if there is a civil penalty for for doggy doo in your area.If so ask them to visit the premises to investigate. The owners will probably be given a citation.Chances are they will never know it was you complained.

    • I suggest you pick it up and put it in a nice box wraped infront of thier door ring the door bell and run away and wen they open leave a note saying to you from your dog clean after my shit lol....

    • What their financial status is, is totally irrelevant. Why are you concerned about pissing them off? They are obviously pissing you off and they don't seem to care. My assumption is that you live in a city. If you have a townhome association, I would contact them and complain. If you don't, then call the complaint department at the city headquarters in the city you live in.

    • Don't worry about upsetting them, you have more of a right to be upset with them, and if they are that sloppy, the situation isn't likely to change even if you do ask them to clean up after their dog. If you own the property, put up a fence between your yard and theirs. If not, explain the problem to the landlord and request that the problem be dealt with or a fence put up.

    • you cant .you cannot make people do something that they dont want to do . just dont cause an argument ,just pick it up yourself. I do that with one of my neighbors cause she is an a wheel chair and it is probably hard for her and also she has a son that is a complete waste of air space . He does nothing for her and she lets him live there I kind of feel sorry for her so I just pick it up and I have gone as far as to buy her a pooper scooper at petsmart and he or she wont use it . so there is nothing else I can do except pick it up myself.good luck.

    • Provide a solution that involves the both of you, since you both have dogs that poop in your shared backyard. You could either silently lead by example, by doing it yourself once or twice while they're outside, or just simply approach them with your view of the problem. If you let them know, without sounding accusatory, that stepping in the poop, getting it on your clothes and your dog is becoming problematic, they may very well say, 'Oh, sorry...yeah, let's take turns cleaning up the poop a couple of times a week.' Another option is to offer to split the cost to hire a pooper scooper service to come and clean all the poop on a weekly basis. It may cost money, but if you're only paying half, it might not be so bad.I think that assuming the conversation will go poorly will make that very thing happen...if they are nice neighbors, chances are they will appreciate your up-front and problem-solving approach and offer to help. Of course, if the conversation doesn't go well, and you feel you've made a good faith effort to be a responsible neighbor, then yeah, approach the Townhome regulatory or oversight board and consult the community rules. The bottom line is that owning a dog means cleaning up after them, it's part of the responsibility of being a dog owner, and some people just don't get it. Nice neighbors or not, they need to pick up the poop. Good luck!

    • I could answer with my version of a funny one but there are way too many of them so far! GOOD ONES TOO! I would buy two of the pooper scoopers. They are about $10 each (the kind with the "jaws" that basically scoops up one pile is the easiest in my opionion). Go to the nicest of the neighbors (male or female) and say, "I was wondering if you noticed how bad it smells in the back. My friend ______ came over and I was so embarrased when they mentioned it, so I bought these pooper scoopers. Can you help me with OUR dogs waste problem?"....if this is too vague even add on, "I never realized just how disgusting it is in the back and I vow to clean up Snoopy's poop at least every other day."

    • It's a tough call because you have a dog too. Maybe offer to share "doggy duty" Rotate days cleaning both yards. This way you can make it look like you find it to be annoying too and if anything maybe they get the point that's something they need to do.Otherwise you can write an annoynomous letter to your townhouse associate and address the issue as a whole- they will send out a letter to all residents as a friendly reminder to pick up after your dog.Good luck!

    • Ask them nicely. Simply say, " I realize that this may be both of our yard, and we share, so because of that, I feel it would be nice to respect eachother by picking up after ourselves and our pets. Could you please pick up your dogs poo?"If asked nicely, they most likely will do it, if they are nice people. If worse cmes to the spca and complain. They can either fine them or warn them..and its all anonymous.

    • How rude of your neighbors...Not only is it a mess to try and walk around but it's unsanitary as well....I guess I'd have to take the direct approach....I'd walk up to them and ask them to please pick up after their pet. I'm assuming that you pick up after yours....If that doesn't work don't you have some type of management association at the townhouse complex, to whom you could complain?

    • Prepare some brownies or chocolate cake. Ring their doorbell and ask if you can talk to them for a few moments. While they are eating the sweets, explain what you want to happen. Always make sure you please them before you go into harder tactics.