How can you tell if your Dog is depressed???

I have a Cairn terrier (she is such a doll) My wife and I work alot and we have 2 kids 8 and 5 who wanted a dog but really dont play with her much. I get home real late at night and I usually take her for a dog walk in the park where other dogs play. I…

    How can you tell if your Dog is depressed???

    I have a Cairn terrier (she is such a doll) My wife and I work alot and we have 2 kids 8 and 5 who wanted a dog but really dont play with her much. I get home real late at night and I usually take her for a dog walk in the park where other dogs play. I…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can you tell if your Dog is depressed???...

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    • How can you tell if your Dog is depressed???

      How can you tell if your Dog is depressed??? Dogs Training Discussions
      I have a Cairn terrier (she is such a doll) My wife and I work alot and we have 2 kids 8 and 5 who wanted a dog but really dont play with her much. I get home real late at night and I usually take her for a dog walk in the park where other dogs play. I do not get her there every night because of the timing. My wife is always busy with the kids and has minimal time with the dog. Could she be depressed?? What else can I do?? She is still young (2).She lays down alot and her appetite is good, at least with the table food. She is constantly chasing us and is always by our feet. She always appears in front of us with her ball wanting to play. When I wrestle with the kids she wants to wrestle too. I do suplex her on occassion and she loves it.She lays down alot and her appetite is good, at least with the table food. She is constantly chasing us and is always by our feet. She always appears in front of us with her ball wanting to play. When I wrestle with the kids she wants to wrestle too. I do suplex her on occassion and she loves it. I will not give her away. She is too special.

      How can you tell if your Dog is depressed???

      How can you tell if your Dog is depressed??? Dogs Training Discussions
    • She is lonely. The decision to get a dog should be a family one. Nobody should get a dog "for the kids" because most of the time, they tire of it. I suggest either making time for the dog or find her a new home where she gets the attention she needs.

    • It sounds like you're really trying. You need to encourage your kids to spend more time with the dog. I understand you're busy and you barely have time for yourselves but I think you need to figure out a routine. Dogs thrive with a routine, with discipline and rules. If the dog was depressed she would probably stop eating, lie around (and at a young age that would be the first sign), she would have no intrest in toys or play. (My golden lost her best friend suffered through depression for about a month).Get the whole family involved in training (either in a class or on your own.) It would be good quality time and way to spend time with the dog.Good Luck

    • Signs of depression are loss of appetite, lethargy, minimal intake of water, weight loss and not wanting to play.I know you love your little girl, and I'm not trying to be mean, but it may be in her best interest to find her another home where she can have more companionship. It sounds like you and your family have a pretty full and busy life.She is still young enough where she can become attached to someone else.

    • She probably just needs attention. Try to get the kids involved more with her. Make it fun for the kids and I'm sure the dog will be quite happy. Keep away or fetch with a small ball usually goes over well with dogs. Pick up a couple of beginner obedience books and try to get the kids interested in teaching the dog tricks...Dogs just want to be part of the family. Our dog follows us where ever we go in the house.