Is it true that dog people are more responsible than cat people?

I think so. Every day a dog owner has to get up and walk their dog, feed their dog, clean after their dog, play with their dog and teach their dog a new thing. Every day all a cat person does is sleep until noon and feed their cat. They don't even have…

    Is it true that dog people are more responsible than cat people?

    I think so. Every day a dog owner has to get up and walk their dog, feed their dog, clean after their dog, play with their dog and teach their dog a new thing. Every day all a cat person does is sleep until noon and feed their cat. They don't even have…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Is it true that dog people are more responsible than cat people?...

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    • Is it true that dog people are more responsible than cat people?

      Is it true that dog people are more responsible than cat people? Dogs Training Discussions
      I think so. Every day a dog owner has to get up and walk their dog, feed their dog, clean after their dog, play with their dog and teach their dog a new thing. Every day all a cat person does is sleep until noon and feed their cat. They don't even have to clean the litter box everyday.

      Is it true that dog people are more responsible than cat people?

      Is it true that dog people are more responsible than cat people? Dogs Training Discussions
    • It is true that the needs of dogs and cats are significantly different. However, that has no bearing whatsoever on the owners. I pay just as much attention to my 5 cats as I ever did with my dog when he was alive. Every owner is different. I have rescued dogs from homes where the owner is not at all responsible. The dogs were left outside chained to a doghouse on a short chain with no attention at all. feces were everywhere.

    • I agree every owner is different and it really depends on the bond with the animal and the owner. I have had many dogs and cats in the past but currently have two cats as I can't have dogs in my apartment. I can say I spend more time playing, cuddling, and bonding in general with my cats than some dog owners I know. Not to mention both cats are long haired so I spend quite a bit of time brushing.

    • Nope, it's not true. You can have both irresponsible dog people and cat people. You have to understand that dogs and cats demand different needs. You choose a pet depending on your lifestyle and how well you can devote your time to take care of them. That doesn't mean that people who choose to have cats are less responsible. They too, need to fulfill all the cats needs and while taking care of a cat may seems more laid back, the duty is not less important.There are people who neglect their cat thinking that the cats can very own fend for themselves. Thus, you see a myriad of behavioral issues and weight problems in cats.

    • Dog people are more responsible than cat people towards their pets because that is a prerequisite of dog ownership. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it transgresses into their other responsibilities. Many contributors to our society keep cats as opposed to dogs because they are too busy helping humanity to be able to care for a dog. ................. and based on your question, what does that indicate about people who keep fish ? Or what of people who keep NO PETS at all. To base an opinion on a persons value to society by the pet(s) they keep is a little judgemental and more than a bit naive. I try not to be judgemental except in the case of persons such as yourself who ask provocational questions in the cat section. And you seriously don't want to hear my opinion of them ! ! !

    • Yes and no.While it is true that it is easier to get away with being an irresponsible cat owner than an irresponsible dog owner there are still plenty of both.A dog owner HAS to get up and take the dog out for a walk or suffer the consequences. That doesn't make the dog owner more responsible. That is somewhat akin to saying people with children are more responsible than those without out simply because they chose a lifestyle that involves the extra responsibility of child care.Everyone knows people who cannot live up to their responsibilities to either a dog or a child or at least make a terrible mess of it.But because it is sometimes easier to fulfill your responsibility to a cat doesn't mean cat owners are "less responsible". It means simply that cats don't require going out for walks 3 or 4 times a day and don't require much training.Sleep to noon?This cat owner is up before 6 am, feed the kitties their breakfast between then and when she leaves the house. Their water is replaced with fresh. The litter boxes are scooped each morning too. Emptied and cleaned weekly.The cats are fed again mid afternoon, then again in the evening. One of their daily meals is carefully prepared homemade raw food.They have daily play times and numerous sessions of nice massages.The cats go to the vet as needed.Those who have long-haired cats need to groom their cats at least weekly and sometimes every other day depending on the type of fur.The only reason I said "yes" at all is that due to many people somehow thinking less of cats and their requirements than they do dogs there is a greater percentage of irresponsible people who should not have any pet owning a cat compared to those owning dogs.Perhaps if someone wanted to be considered very, very responsible they would set about not only having dogs, but several children, a couple of horses, and perhaps a houseful of orchids to boot.Your argument, if it is meant to be, is something akin to saying that people who have not taken up bungee-jumping and skydiving are not brave because they do not bungee-jump and skydive.

    • Well, this cat owner gets up at 5:30am to feed the cats. Then, I scoop out the litterbox and that is before even making 'myself' a coffee. Another feeding and scooping in the afternoon and another of both before I go to bed. In the evening, I have to give one of my cats a walk in her kitty stroller and they equally have their playtime during the day and night when they are awake. Oh and once a week, I cook a chicken just for them, that is their treat...I know plenty of dog owners who do not even bother to pick up their dog poop. Ex:my neighbor.....So, to answer your question? I don't think so......