How make sure that my cat and dog will be able to be in the same room as a rat?

I've seen multiple videos with cats or dogs playing with a pet rat or hamster. I would like the same thing to happen in my house. Is there a special way your supposed to introduce them?I don't have a rat right now but am think of getting one ( if my…

    How make sure that my cat and dog will be able to be in the same room as a rat?

    I've seen multiple videos with cats or dogs playing with a pet rat or hamster. I would like the same thing to happen in my house. Is there a special way your supposed to introduce them?I don't have a rat right now but am think of getting one ( if my…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How make sure that my cat and dog will be able to be in the same room as a rat?...

    • How make sure that my cat and dog will be able to be in the same room as a rat?

      How make sure that my cat and dog will be able to be in the same room as a rat? Dogs Training Discussions
      I've seen multiple videos with cats or dogs playing with a pet rat or hamster. I would like the same thing to happen in my house. Is there a special way your supposed to introduce them?I don't have a rat right now but am think of getting one ( if my parent allow it)I mean thinking

      How make sure that my cat and dog will be able to be in the same room as a rat?

      How make sure that my cat and dog will be able to be in the same room as a rat? Dogs Training Discussions
    • it depends on the temperament of the dogs and cats. we had a great dane who was fantastic with small animals.the bird used to ride on him, the ferret used to chase him around. he used to lie down and snuggle with the rabbits.,if you do get rats, you WILL need more than one. they are highly social animals and it's not fair to keep them alone. it can lead to behavioural and health problems. if you are only allowed one, get something else instead.

    • Okay first off, rats are messy, smelly, and can be pricey. I truely think the dog isnt the problem, but the cat will be. I dont think the cat will want to 'play' the way you think he'll play with it, meaning, he'll hunt it. You would have to raise them together from kitten stage becuase they are very open then and are not matured into a predatory hunter. Hope I helped, thanks

    • It does depend on your dog/cat, My dog was brought up around small animals so she's pretty good with them and will let my rats run all over her while she's relaxing and cleans them, though don't think it's ever okay to leave them alone together, animals can't control their instincts and accidents will happen. I always introduce my animals to my dogs slowly, because she may be used to them but they are not used to her at all, though my Rats were actually quite confident around her, I introduced them daily for a couple of minutes for a week before I let my rats run around on the sofa while my dog watch and have a good sniff of them.I do not let them run around on the floor with her because she's pretty big and could hurt them accidentally, it all comes down to how much you trust your dog.Please be aware that cats have sharp claws and if it bats at the Rats/hamsters this could really hurt them, so just be very careful when introducing them.

    • Yup the others are right it all depends on the temperment and the personality of your pets. I had two rats and 2 large dogs and 7 cats. 2 of my cats didnt care for them, the one cat would accutally fall asleep with them and my 2 others just liked to watch them in their cage and the 2 others just prob didnt know they exsisted and the dogs just liked to sniff at them. as long as they are in their cage they will be safe :D