What breed of dog would be the most compatible for me and my family?

I live with my parents and my dad is talking about gettting a dog. We have 2 cats- one is almost 14 and the other one is 7 years old. Dad's cat passed away in February of this year and he's been talking about getting a dog ever since. Dad talks about…

    What breed of dog would be the most compatible for me and my family?

    I live with my parents and my dad is talking about gettting a dog. We have 2 cats- one is almost 14 and the other one is 7 years old. Dad's cat passed away in February of this year and he's been talking about getting a dog ever since. Dad talks about…...
    General Dog Discussions : What breed of dog would be the most compatible for me and my family?...

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    • What breed of dog would be the most compatible for me and my family?

      What breed of dog would be the most compatible for me and my family? General Dog Discussions
      I live with my parents and my dad is talking about gettting a dog. We have 2 cats- one is almost 14 and the other one is 7 years old. Dad's cat passed away in February of this year and he's been talking about getting a dog ever since. Dad talks about getting a Lab or a border collie, but I don't think either one of those dog breeds would be the most compatible with our 2 cats. Mom's 7 year old cat is very territorial of the back porch and attacks any animal that comes on or near it and my 14 year old cat runs whenever an animal comes in the house. Mom's alllergic to dog hair, so we can't have a longhaired breed dog. What kind of dog gets along well with cats, because Dad's starting to get serious about getting a dog?

      What breed of dog would be the most compatible for me and my family?

      What breed of dog would be the most compatible for me and my family? General Dog Discussions
    • The best thing to do is go to your local animal shelter or animal control facility. If you can, try to find one that collects information on pets that are turned in by their owners. That way, you can find a dog that may have already lived with cats. There are so many animals in shelters all over the world that need loving homes - go save one! I used to work in a shelter and I can tell you there is a different dog for every need, I know you will find one that will fit in with your family life. I got my dog from the shelter I used to work at and he's the best dog I've ever had.

    • My advice, get something small or medium sized. Somewhere along the lines of a Beagle or maybe even a terrier of some kind. Beagles dont shed that much and have short hair to begin with. A terrier, like a Jack Russel would be good too because they dont shed that much.

    • Labs don't mature until they are about 3 yrs. old. I have a black lab and she is hyper 24-7. She is almost 1 1/2. They are ball crazy, but are very loving. It can get annoying when they get all up in your face for attention(leterally). Their tails are long and wag furiously(knocks things off of low tables and such, and hurts a little when it hits you). If you get a lab, get and older one that won't bother the cats when it's not spending time playing ball with you.My ex-girlfriend had Shitzus. They don't shed, but they are tiny. I thought they were cool.

    • It still depends on other aspects of your lives. How many are willing to take the dog for LONG walks in ALL weather??? Do you like being active with the dog. Do you have a fenced in yard?? There are things other than cats that are the factors on which breed you should get. Make a list of your favorite breeds and research them to see what they require. The most common reason a dog doesn't work out is that people have unrealistic expectations of the dog and the dog then has to go. Do some research and you will find a breed that fits what you are looking for!!!!! Remember....even many shorthaired dogs can cause allergies to flare. It isn't the hair, it is the dander and even in a litter, there will be pups with more dander than others.

    • As far as behavior goes (ie: getting along with cats) It really depends on the dog, not so much the breed. There are specific breeds that tend to be more friendly in general, but that is no guarantee. If your dad is looking for a older dog, it is best to find out as much information on the dog as possible from the previous owners. Wereas with a puppy, they generally have to be socialized by the owner.If I were you, I would start with looking for short haired dogs, since your mom is allergic. Here is a site to help you out. http://www.akc.org/breeds/breeds_a.cfmThen once you and your family have found some breeds you like, take the time to check out dogs in your local area. It's good to spend some time with each dog to get a feel for it's personality. Researching breeds and dog training information will be extremely helpful! Good luck

    • A lab would be OK,get it as a baby so all will adjust living together happily in the house,A border collie is a nice dog but they really need to be kept busy they are herding dogs with a very strong drive so if you don't have the time and energy to work with these dogs it could be disastrous in the home,look on AKC.org there you will info. on all the breeds and you can decide which will be more suitable to your family.

    • I do agree that you should visit a local shelter and see if there is something there to suit your needs. The people there can help guide you to a dog that will fit your lifestyle. That's what they do, and they are pretty good at it.I will say, however, that if you are specifically looking for a pure-bred, that your mom would appreciate a smaller, shorter-haired dog that doesn't have a regular shedding season. You're going to laugh, but Chihuahuas and Boston terriers can both be wonderful family dogs, as well as many other small breeds. And yes, they learn to love cats if raised with them. I'm not sure of the shedding habits of other small breeds, but I know there are others. Look for breeds that do not have long or even medium-length hair. And read carefully about the breed, and especially the breeder, before you bring one home. (You could always go with a hairless breed as well... ) Good luck to you, and I hope you find what you are looking for!

    • My experience is this: I presently have one 3 year old cat; three dogs (1.5yrs <shitzu/poodle cross>, 6 months (Bichon/poodle cross and 3 months<another shi-poo>). Before I got my 3yr old cat Mary, I had another cat Silly who DETESSED all animals (and passed away at 20yrs 1 year ago - lots of hissing during that time! First, the type of animal depends on the size you want - if you want a large animal that is friendly, 'manly' and fun - try a Golden Retriever/poodle mix, aka 'Goldie-Poo - takes the standard poodle and is extreme low shedding and non-allergetic. If you prefer a more medium sized dog, then go for the Mini-Goldie-Poo - same as above, but crossed with a mini-poodle, therefore, the weight is between 30 to 40lbs. I have heard great things of these dogs. Lastly, I swear by the Shi-poos - my two little guys are amazing, get along well with the cat (took time and patience though) and are extremely easy to train and are great lap dogs. My Bichon-poodle cross is also great, but a bit more active, and my 'piss off' an older cat. If you want more information, the following website has great information for dogs groups, specific breeds, and even poodle crosses and what fits best in all different types of families. Take your time, research and above all - do not expect the love or like between any cat or dog to happen overnight! website:http://www.petsandmore.ca/vbreedinfo2.html

    • hi,i have 3 cats, they are 1 2 and 4, but i have border collie mix dog,bitch,and a miniture pinscher male.he pesters the cats he dont mean too he just wants too play but wiv him being of possesive nature he sometimes growls at them,my collie mix shes great wiv cats she dont bother them.see my cats have been brought up wiv dogs from day 1.so its realy ur parents decision,if they think ur cats will adjust,cats r usually cool,once ajusted to dogs.when they know thier part off household.bye hope u can make mind up,and have many happy yrs wiv whatever u choose.