My dog has reverted to peeing in the house?

My dog was house broken, she is a year old. Now she refuses to pee outside, and I will find a puddle in the house, even when I'm home and in the next room. I even leave the door open all day so that she can go out whenever she wants. What could be…

    My dog has reverted to peeing in the house?

    My dog was house broken, she is a year old. Now she refuses to pee outside, and I will find a puddle in the house, even when I'm home and in the next room. I even leave the door open all day so that she can go out whenever she wants. What could be…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has reverted to peeing in the house?...

    • My dog has reverted to peeing in the house?

      My dog has reverted to peeing in the house? General Dog Discussions
      My dog was house broken, she is a year old. Now she refuses to pee outside, and I will find a puddle in the house, even when I'm home and in the next room. I even leave the door open all day so that she can go out whenever she wants. What could be causing this and how do I fix it? I have another dog who is house broken and pees outside just fine.

      My dog has reverted to peeing in the house?

      My dog has reverted to peeing in the house? General Dog Discussions
    • Try using the Kennel method. You kennel the dog all night ( or day) while away and when you get home - take outside right away and stay out side with dog till she pees. This will build up the dogs bladder like we do ours. I would first consider seeing vet to make sure there is not a medical problem like a bladder infection ( since she went outside before) but sometimes you just have to retrain

    • Hi J D,Either she has an infection and cannot control it (only your vet can tell you if she is medically okay) or she needs to be "retrained". Sometimes dogs need to be retrained when they start having accidents in the house. This is what you can do:

(1) Get a crate. The crate is like a bedroom and safe place for her to stay when you are not home to monitor her activity. She will like the safe home as long as it is safe and not used for punishment. It should only be slightly larger than her. Even with a crate, she still needs to be taken out frequently. Take her out after every drink, snack, play time, and when she wakes from naps. She won't want to pee in her "bedroom/crate" but will do it if he cannot hold her pee and has a real accident. She shouldn't be allowed to "free-roam" like your other dog because she needs to prove that she knows the difference between inside and outside.

(2) Get The Housebreaker. This thing rocks! The Housebreaker has a little sensor that she wears when you are home and at night (but close the door so she doesn't wonder outside with it on). It is placed in a diaper and will alert you immediately as soon as she tries to have an accident. You can take her to the correct place to pee (outside). The alarm will tell the dog that she is doing something wrong so she will learn right away (it "catches" the dog trying to pee in your house but doesn't hurt her). The best part - the thing prevents the pee from getting on the floor so there are no messes to clean up. There will be no more pee to clean up! It’s awesome. I wish someone had told me about it years ago (maybe it wasn't out yet). Either way - you should get it. It works! Check it out – the website is

Good luck!
Take Care!