What are good ways to get a Bull Terrier to stop chewing?

He likes to chew on stuff.. He gets dog bones and chew toys but I think he likes the taste of toys and shoes better. 0_0 I have tried using the spray that tastes gross for him, but he likes it! If you spray the bottle he's just stand there licking at it.…

    What are good ways to get a Bull Terrier to stop chewing?

    He likes to chew on stuff.. He gets dog bones and chew toys but I think he likes the taste of toys and shoes better. 0_0 I have tried using the spray that tastes gross for him, but he likes it! If you spray the bottle he's just stand there licking at it.…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are good ways to get a Bull Terrier to stop chewing?...

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    • What are good ways to get a Bull Terrier to stop chewing?

      What are good ways to get a Bull Terrier to stop chewing? General Dog Discussions
      He likes to chew on stuff.. He gets dog bones and chew toys but I think he likes the taste of toys and shoes better. 0_0 I have tried using the spray that tastes gross for him, but he likes it! If you spray the bottle he's just stand there licking at it. I don't think he has any taste buds.. lol. There's nothing he doesn't like! Take that back, he bit a snail and spit it out..What are ways to make him stop chewing?

      What are good ways to get a Bull Terrier to stop chewing?

      What are good ways to get a Bull Terrier to stop chewing? General Dog Discussions
    • with my little bull terrier puppy is 6 months old and I am having the same problem at the moment. I have learned sticks are awesome to stop this (the thick ones or maybe a piece of thick board little enough to chew on would be best). They kinda get on your carpet/floor alot but, she LOVES them all the sudden. I think it feels good in her mouth and her teeth. Also not hard to clean up. You can try it? Hope it helps

    • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.leerburg.com/Photos/BitterApple_01.jpg&imgrefurl=http://leerburg.com/774.htm&usg=__rRRNjJWs0cXCUZcb8RHbDFoh0b0=&h=468&w=324&sz=25&hl=en&start=2&itbs=1&tbnid=vbXmCG1opQyS2M:&tbnh=128&tbnw=89&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dapple%2Bbitter%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1Hope this helps! =)-Fresh Paint-