What can i do about my puppy's problems?

I have a Jack Russell named Daisy. She is really calm and well behaved. She is a little under a year, and even though she is still a puppy, when she gets really excited she just pees. Like everywhere. She keeps jumping and running all while she is…

    What can i do about my puppy's problems?

    I have a Jack Russell named Daisy. She is really calm and well behaved. She is a little under a year, and even though she is still a puppy, when she gets really excited she just pees. Like everywhere. She keeps jumping and running all while she is…...
    General Dog Discussions : What can i do about my puppy's problems?...

    • What can i do about my puppy's problems?

      What can i do about my puppy's problems? General Dog Discussions
      I have a Jack Russell named Daisy. She is really calm and well behaved. She is a little under a year, and even though she is still a puppy, when she gets really excited she just pees. Like everywhere. She keeps jumping and running all while she is peeing! Is there anyway to stop this?Also, she has anxiety when I leave. I had to block her cage so that it would not be across the room when I got home. I have tried dog bones, treats, food, and toys in her cage and nothing works.

      What can i do about my puppy's problems?

      What can i do about my puppy's problems? General Dog Discussions
    • Jack Russells are high anxiety, high energy dogs. Please Google Jack Russell on the Net and find out more about your dog-- they need a special touch.You can also take the dog to Obedience School--both human and dog need obedience school, no matter what the breed, and in some cases BECAUSE of the breed.Thank you for worrying about her--

    • Lots of puppies tinkle when they are excited, and most of them have anxiety when you leave. For the second part: it usually works to cover the crate with a blanket. Take her to the crate every day, say "Go to bed," and put her in there. Then slip a small treat in, pull the blanket down, and leave. Do not acknowledge whining, etc.First part: don't give her any attention when you come home, not even to shush her. If you have a yard, take her straight outside. Don't bend down, make eye contact, or make noise. She will stop jumping after a couple minutes. Just go about your business. After she has calmed somewhat, reach down and pet her gently. If she starts up again, go back to ignoring her. Eventually she should stop getting so hyper when you come home, and as she gets older she will have better control of her muscles anyway.

    • my baby beagle was the same way... she just turned a year today...what helped the peeing was that when we came home we would leave her alone until she calms down or just wrralk by her and ignore her... this stopped the peeing... what happens is that she gets excited that you are home and she isnt able to hold it in throughout her excitement...as for the cage thing...put it in a small room and close the door it wrill keep her from going all around the house and leaving "presents" for you... in the small room leave the cage open so that she isnt confined to the cage and when she gets excited she wont jump against the cage and send it flying everywherehope this helped♥ jan ♥