Why does my dog chew on her legs?

My dog constantly chews on her legs. Why does she continue to do this? Is there anything we can do to get her to stop?

    Why does my dog chew on her legs?

    My dog constantly chews on her legs. Why does she continue to do this? Is there anything we can do to get her to stop?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog chew on her legs?...

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    • Fleas are the first thing that comes to mind, but chiggers could be a problem, depending on how warm it's been in your area. If the dog continues to gnaw on her legs and paws, the paws could develop abscesses that get infected and just make her chew more. If you don't have her on an anti flea/tick medication or collar, get her one immediately and look around your local pet store for foul tasting antibiotics to put on the places she chews the most. If she continues to do it after flea medication, or raw swollen sores start to develop, take your dog to the vet.

    • well first off everyone is saying allergies but that is more if she is chewing her FEET not her LEG....if you don't have flea control on her GET IT its the season for them......but if she is only chewing one spot on her leg and consistently chewing that spot its most likely not fleas or allergies....its more likely to be scabies....yes dogs get them and you need a vet prescription to treat it....it is past dog to dog and I'm not sure but someone told me people can get it from dogs but i don't know about cats...

    • Well, you have to rule out the common things like fleas and allergies. Believe it or not, some dogs have allergies to ordinary things like grass. If its one of those, after a flea bath the Advantage works great. For the allergies you will need to see the vet for treatment.Check her skin thoroughly..any small moles or growths where she is licking? Dogs often lick a spot like that. If so, the vet can remove them and that usually stops the licking behavior.You can try some "bitter apple" spray (found in pet shops) it's terrible so it will discourage your dog as long as it lasts.

    • Chewing on the legs or paws is a sign of an allergic reaction. Check what the pup has been eating lately or been into. My dog for instance is allergic to wheat and breads. Good Luck!

    • It's either fleas or dirt on your dog's legs. Do you walk your dog on the sidewalk and across the street where there is mud and sand or salt? If you walk your dog in a forest then it might have gotten some thorns in it's fur from weeds and she is trying to get the thorns out.If you have been walking her across the street where there's alot of sand or salt from the winter then try to wash her feet off after every walk.

    • Could be allergies, my rat terrier has that same problem he also Itch's his eyes and belly to or chews on his legs and paws. Took him to the vet its allergies but to what they haven't figured it out. They got him on prednisone. That keeps him from itching himself to pieces. We already did a food test to see if it was the food but that didn't prove anything so could be a number of things.

    • it is because she has fleas she will bite and itch her self in fact she'll do anything to get the fleas off so that is what she does to get the fleas off if you want her to stop you need to get frontline so that the fleas will die and she will stop doing that or then she might get an infection and her skin might turn red