How do you punish a puppy for chewing on something?

My 11 week old dog chewed on my iPod head phones. I yelled no and tapped her nose. I don't know if that was a good idea, not enough, too much. I don't know.

    How do you punish a puppy for chewing on something?

    My 11 week old dog chewed on my iPod head phones. I yelled no and tapped her nose. I don't know if that was a good idea, not enough, too much. I don't know....
    General Dog Discussions : How do you punish a puppy for chewing on something?...

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    • How do you punish a puppy for chewing on something?

      How do you punish a puppy for chewing on something? General Dog Discussions
      My 11 week old dog chewed on my iPod head phones. I yelled no and tapped her nose. I don't know if that was a good idea, not enough, too much. I don't know.

      How do you punish a puppy for chewing on something?

      How do you punish a puppy for chewing on something? General Dog Discussions
    • I don't know either. But do you have parents?Late Entry : and to the moron "above"1. one doesn't hit a pup (as he/she don't know)2. especially NOT on the nose

    • If you don't catch them in the act don't yell or scold - they won't understand. If you do catch them in the act - I think what you did is just fine. Let them know you are mad at them and that what they did is unacceptable. I would never hit a dog, but a good tap on the nose is fine. Then quickly replace your valuables with a dog toy. When she chews the toy tell her what a good dog she is!

    • just right. she has to know what to expect from you. I would have done the same and then immediately replaced the item for one of her toys. That way, she knows that she is allowed to chew, just on her own toys. Be consistent and she will learn in no time. good luck.

    • DO NOT HIT your dog! especially if the incident was done well before you notice. It will only confuse him. He will not know why you are hitting him. Just keep him away from the items you don't want him to chew on. :) good luck!

    • were you around when this happened? sometimes it's a matter of training the people to not leave valuable things out. or deciding that the dog needs to be crated when left alone.does the puppy have chew toys? he should. whenever the puppy starts to chew or bite stick a toy in his mouth, should he chew something inappropriate redirect his attention to a toy, eventually he will learn to direct that desire at a toy, not your for punishment you can gently hold the dogs muzzle to direct his attention to your face, you should be above the dog looking down, this is an act of intimidation not violence, remind that dog of your dominance and say NO CHEW or whatever.

    • It's very hard to discipline a puppy without causing some other problem, probably worse, in the future. Redirection and limiting the puppies access is the best approach. Give him something he loves to chew. Puppies are teething and their teeth need to be worked or they become painful. If you go to this site, you will find some really good information on animal behavior. Good luck!

    • Puppies chew. You must make sure that you don't give them a chance or they'll eat and pee on everything. If you can't watch her, she needs to go into a gated, puppy proofed room. Never yell, just be firm. A firm "NO!" and ignoring works very nicely. You don't and shouldn't make physical contact with them. Any negative contact and she'll start becoming afraid of you coming towards her.The biggest key is to prevent these mistakes from happening in the first place, and using praise when she does things right.You also must punish her within 5 min. of doing the action or she won't understand why you're mad.

    • As long as your not beating the dog, give it a good whack on the nose with your hand. Rub her nose on the shoe and then thump her on the nose with a little vigor. It you're too friendly, she won't listen. Don't use newspaper, just your flicking fingers! One important thing: BE CONSISTANT! If you only do it once in awhile she'll just keep disobeying you. I hope this helps!

    • Maybe the puppy is teething and needs a good chew toy :P. Distract her with something chewable. I think yelling no and tapping her nose is good enough because shes just a kid :<

    • Take it away, say "NO, BAD DOG" in a strong voice, but don't physically repremand the pup. They really don't know better. And they don't generally associate their actions with getting hit or flicked. You don't want a hand shy dog, but you want an obedient dog. Keep things out of reach that can be attractive to the pup, and if you find the dog is chewing up lots of similar items (like a lot of rubbery-type items, or a lot of plush items) buy dog toys that are those textures or that are similar. Praise the pup for playing with it's stuff, not yours, and love it. Try not to leave it to it's own devices too often, because you will always find yourself buying new earphones if you do. Good luck!

    • Don't expect to much from an 11 week old puppy. However when your pup gets older, don't be afraid to use corporal punishment on her. A good trainer becomes the Alpha dog and an Alpha dog in a pack uses harsh punishment rather than treats to become a successful leader.

    • try using a squirt bottle when they are doing it or offer your hand to be chewed on and move your fingers to the back of their jaw behind their teeth...i know it sounds cruel but it doesn't hurt them...they may gag a little but this is what my vet told us to do and it's worked for me

    • -a dog is like a foreign person in a foreign country-talking to them in our language is not understood-chewing is acceptable in the dog worldI have 8 years of training experience. feel free to call for free training advice.9am-10pmh.w.Ashmore, IL217-603-4200

    • Firmly say no to the dog only if you catch it in the act. While saying no take the headphone away from the dog and replace it with a chew toy or a bone and if the dog responds by chewing on the toy or bone you should praise the dog. This will teach the dog that chewing on the headphones is wrong and will come with punishment but if it chews on toys or bones it will get praise. Try not to tap the dog when punishing it or praising it because dogs considering tapping hitting, no matter how hard you tap them.Good luck :]

    • punishing puppies for chewing stuff is wrong, you only intimidate them and deteriorate your realtionshim with them, also you could hurt them cause they are so small... it is like punishing a baby...They dont chew things for fun...they do it because teething cuases them very intense pain on their gums, so they try to ease the pain, by chewing stuff.There is three things you can do, always a firm no, don´t do it. just firmly, get a grip even if you are angry. An d be consisten with the phrase, so he will learn it... JUst like: NO! dont do it or no! bad dog! Or no, you dont do this again.Then buy spray por pets, you´ll find it in petco or at the vet. you spray things that he has bitten before or likes to bite, the bitter taste will restrain him from doing it again, and finally buy some toys or chewing dog thing, that is his and that he knows he can bite, when he starts biting on something else, you say NO, dont do it, carry him away and give him his toy to bite... Rememeber, he is suffering horrible pain in his gums. That is it. I hope this advise is good for you.... and for your puppy too ;)By the way do not give him things you dont want, like old shoes... because then hi will have trouble understanding the difference between the things he is allowed to bite and the things he is not allowed to animal stuff, and creat a special place for his stuff, so he will have ti clear.