My neighbors dog came over and started attacking my light display and got electrocuted what should i do?

My neighbor is my best friend and i asked her if she could pay for my lights that i worked really hard on because her dog chewed through the wires and it was a really extravagant display. She wants to sue me because her dog got electrocuted... What do i…

    My neighbors dog came over and started attacking my light display and got electrocuted what should i do?

    My neighbor is my best friend and i asked her if she could pay for my lights that i worked really hard on because her dog chewed through the wires and it was a really extravagant display. She wants to sue me because her dog got electrocuted... What do i…...
    General Dog Discussions : My neighbors dog came over and started attacking my light display and got electrocuted what should i do?...

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    • She wants to sue you because SHE failed to control HER pet and it died in the course of destroying your personal property? She owes you, you don't owe her.The correct response is "good, since we'll be in court anyway I'm bringing suit against you for your negligence in allowing your animal to roam and destroy my property."

    • Her dog violated the leash law. Her dog was trespassing. You are in no way liable for her negligence as a dog owner. You can sue her damages to your property. And you can report her to you local Department of Animal Services for leash law violation and animal endangerment. She is 100% responsible and liable.

    • let her sue.....she wont get anywhere, then countersuit for the damage will win. the dog should have been leashed, it caused damage and it was on your property.........your neighbor sounds like a stupid twat

    • hire an attourney and dont talk to her till you speak to the attourneyand if she sues counter sue for damages to your light displayhire one of the attourneys that you pay when you win the caseit was her negligence and her irresponsibility to let her dog wander into your yard and chew up your lighting displaywhat type of idiot would let her dog run around a neighborhood without any supervision its like letting a child play in the middle of an interstate

    • the owner of the dog is responsible for the damage the dog caused.....however, I doubt you'll collect a dime. Ignore her,,,and if she persists in bugging YOU about HER dog that was not properly limited to HER property...take HER to small claims court. SHE is responsible for her dog's injury. SHE should have kept her dog inside or in a securely fenced yard. SHE is a thoughtless pet owner. Pets depend on their OWNERS to keep them safe

    • There is really no reason to go to extremes with this. You both unfortunately have debts that need payed now. You have a debt for your lights and she most likely has a debt for veterinary bills because of the dog. I think you should cut your losses. If you go to small claims court you will both lose money on attorney fees and having to take time off of work anyways. You will both probably be asked to pay money to one another because the judge would find that as a fair trade considering there was damage done to both parties but it was neither party's immediate fault. So, to keep things under control and save a headache on both sides, you should just find a way to settle things outside of court. Pay your own debts and try not to let this incident ruin your friendship. Maybe, years later you can laugh about it instead of paying for it still.

    • Well first of all how good of a friend is she is if her first thought is to sue. After all her dog left her yard, and entered yours. If you care deeply for this person as a friend, then try working it out. If she insists that YOU are the responsible party, then my advise to you is consult an attorney. Then not only will she pay for your display, but she'll be installing a fence. good luck

    • too many areas have leash laws in effect. you can not be responsible for injury to her dog, did she take her dog to the vet? he is permanently injured? did you encourage and antagonize the dog? if you think you may have to take legal steps at this time you may need to file a police report,

    • Did her dog died?Best friends are not people who want to sue you so you might want to reassess that.Love your neighbor and tell her to do the same.A dog's owner is responsible for any damage the dog might cause so she should pay for your lights, since I guess your lights were on your property so the dog was trespassing.That said, you should post your question in the joke categories, not because it's a joke but because I laugh so hard when I first read it on the main page....

    • Let your neighbor get over the loss of her dog and then revisit it say after the holidays. in the mean time calculate what you are out and contact someone maybe lawyer or police and find out who would be liable for what (I don't know what the law says on this) Hope for A happy ending.

    • I would wait and see what she does actually. I assume the dog is dead. I am sorry it sounds like an unfortunate situation. If she sues get a lawyer and try to settle with her. I would take down the display. I would call my insurance person.