How do I get this fish hook out of my dogs leg??

There is a big fish hook stuck in my dogs back leg and it is around the joint area....It is stuck and I don't want to take her to the vet, does anybody know how to get it out? Every time I try to get it she keeps kicking me, so it is hard to do. Please…

    How do I get this fish hook out of my dogs leg??

    There is a big fish hook stuck in my dogs back leg and it is around the joint area....It is stuck and I don't want to take her to the vet, does anybody know how to get it out? Every time I try to get it she keeps kicking me, so it is hard to do. Please…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I get this fish hook out of my dogs leg??...

    • You have to get her to the vet! That poor dog needs help and fast. There's risk of infection to her leg. She could try to lick the wound and injure her tongue. She might try to bite at it and make the wound even worse. Take her to the vet right away!

    • Sorry I agree with everybody else, you need to suck it up and take that poor dog to the vet. If you can't afford to take care of a pet then maybe you shouldn't own one. It could get infected really bad from the hook.

    • Cut the barb off with some wire cutters or pliers, and then push the rest of the hook through. Then use plenty off peroxide or alcohol to clean it, and keep it bandaged with clean bandages as best you can. Your dog will probably try to tear the bandages off, and lick the wound, and that is probably a better natural way to heal it anyway. Your dog will also try and not let you get the hook out, you might need someone to help you restrain him (her), and maybe a muzzle, if he tries to nip at you, he's not trying to hurt you, just trying to get you to stop. Also you might to to see if you can get some antibiotic to fight off any possible infection. It's not a big deal, I've done this for a dog before, and actually done this same thing for myself, it hurts a little, nut you don't need to go to the vet, unless you are incapable of doing this yourself.

    • First of all, if you care about your dog you would take her to the vet. Your dog could have joint damage, Infection, and Swelling. What can you do about those three things. You also will not be able to get the hook out clean due to the spur at the end of the hook.

    • theres 2 a RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER and take her to the vet! NOW! the vet will be able to numb the area, remove the hook, clean it and give her antibiotics due to the fact that a used fichhook is covered in bacteria...option # 2, get a small but strong and sharp pair of wire cutters and depending on the size of your dog at least 2 large strong and unafraid people...1 person restrains the dog while another restrains the leg...push the hook forward, cut off the barb completly but very carefully which will leave you with a smooth peice of metal with nothing left to hook on the dog, then pull the smooth remainder of the hook back out the way it whent in...apply rubbing alcohol or neosporin to the area then watch extreemly carefully for the next few days for infection...after whihc take soap and water and clean out the bite and scratch marks on yourself and your 2 assistants and apply rubbing alcohol to kill any bacteria...if stitches are needed head to ER.seriously, dont be a PITA be responsible and take the poor thing to the vet! its considered animal abuse to withhold veterinary treatment in these cases! just so you know!

    • My goodness I can't believe your that inconsiderate of your dog. Take him to the vet. Even if you got to use a credit card.If you don't have a credit card or money to take him, start calling all the vets in your area tell them the situation they might take it out for nothing or might just charge a small fee. And you can borrow that from a family member or a friend .I can't believe your letting him go through all this pain.My grandson that is 10 years old got a fish hook in his ankle this summer .I took him straight to the ER . And knowing the pain he was in. I just can't imagine the pain your dogs going through,because we carried my grandson, he couldn't walk because of the fish hook moving and causing so much pain.

    • No, don't let anyone demand you take your dog to the vet, my dog had a hook in her back one time, and it was a really simple fix. Something as simple as this doesn't require veterinary care, and what people on here need to realize, is that... not everyone is rolling in the money, and price restraints are a big issue. When my dog had the hook in her back, we fixed it and went on her merry way. It isn't causing as much pain as you think it is. What you'll need is a some wire cutters.Grab the end of the hook that the line would attach to, and clip it off. Slide the hook out backwards (So you don't catch the prong on her skin).Or you could clip the pronged side (the sharp side) and then slide it out.I suggest cleaning it with soap and water right away, and keeping an eye out for infection sides (redness, swelling, and heat around the area). If you see those, take her to a vet to get on antibiotics RIGHT AWAY.

    • You can't just pull a fish hook out, because there is a barbed end on it and you will do serious damage, not to mention infection will set in, especially if it's in the joint. She's kicking you because it hurts! I can guarantee you that the poor dog is in a lot of pain and as it's owner, it's your responsibility to do the right thing, and get the poor dog to the vet, whether you want to or not. I hope by the time you get this, you have already taken her in! If it was any of my dog's that this happened to, they would have been at the vet's in a heartbeat.