I want a kerry blue terrier or an airedale terrier?

I wanted a dog and was thinking about buying a kerry blue terrier or and airedale terrier. Does anyone on here have one or know someone who does? Any advice that you can give would be a big help. I found this website dogbreedinfo.com and they said kerry…

    I want a kerry blue terrier or an airedale terrier?

    I wanted a dog and was thinking about buying a kerry blue terrier or and airedale terrier. Does anyone on here have one or know someone who does? Any advice that you can give would be a big help. I found this website dogbreedinfo.com and they said kerry…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I want a kerry blue terrier or an airedale terrier?...

    • I want a kerry blue terrier or an airedale terrier?

      I want a kerry blue terrier or an airedale terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
      I wanted a dog and was thinking about buying a kerry blue terrier or and airedale terrier. Does anyone on here have one or know someone who does? Any advice that you can give would be a big help. I found this website dogbreedinfo.com and they said kerry blue terriers are good apt. dogs. When I spoke to a breeder they said they were not. So any personal stories would help.

      I want a kerry blue terrier or an airedale terrier?

      I want a kerry blue terrier or an airedale terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • no terrier is a good apartment dog really, except some of the toy ones like toy fox or yorkie, both the terriers you mention are mid to large sized dogs and really active and need a job to do or they can be to much. I would suggest going to to petfinder.com and getting an older rescue dog, many 5 year + terriers are calmer and may then make a good apartment dog, plus they are way cheaper thru a rescue and many times fostered so house trained way easier than getting a puppy.

    • As a general rule of thumb, terriers do NOT make good apartment dogs. They are very active dogs that (terrier people - back me up here) NEED A JOB!! *lol* Never met a terrier that wasn't thrilled to have a task to do. Like bring in the paper. Chase vermin. I worked at a shelter, as a vet assistant and pet groomer. Met many Airedales and a handfull of Kerry Blues. All were sweet and friendly dogs, but they were also a lot of work. Grooming every 4-8 weeks, constantly need to be assertive with them in order to be taken seriously, and very active. If you are still seriously looking into these breeds, check out AKC.org and look under those breeds for breeder referral. Call a few more breeders. Go to their homes and talk with them. Remember, a dog is a long term committment. Can't ever be too sure when making this sort of decision! I am eventually going to purchase an Afghan hound (within the next two years) and I've already visited 3 breeders and have made contact with 10 total. The more you are informed, the better your decision will be.On a side note, I love Airedale's and Kerry Blue's physical conformation and their coat texture. I can see why it's easy to fall for them! *L*

    • Some of the terriers are okay apartment dogs, but it depends on the individual dog and you would probably not be able to tell how the dog would be when it is still a puppy. If you are wanting one as an apartment dog, I would try to find an adult at a rescue/shelter because you would know what the temperament will be. I have a bit of experience with both breeds, and in my opinion the Kerry Blues are more mellow than the Airedales. If the reputable breeder says that they do not make good apartment dogs, then I would trust their judgment.

    • From what I understand, Kerry Blues are more aggressive than Airedales. I am on my second Airedale and they are great house dogs, just hang on to the leash when walking as squirrels are to be chased and at their size, you will be going with them!

    • Hello:I have both, a 2 year old Airedale and a 10 month old Kerry Blue. If you live in an apartment you would have better luck with the Kerry blue they are not as big and are the sweetest dogs. My Airegirl's name is Rio and she is bursting with personality and a joy to be with. My KBT is a male and his name is Cash.We wanted to get another Airedale but the males are bigger than we wanted so we did our research and found that the KBT would be a perfect fit for our lifestyle. If you haven't had any experience with Terriers you would be well served to do a lot of research. Terriers can be a handful. When we were doing research on KBT we were told some horror stories about their personalities again we did research on breeders and the personalities of the specific breeders dogs. We were very lucky to find a breeder we love and the perfect dog. Remember when buying a dog you will have a long term relationship with the breeder.Good Luck!Judee