What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating?

I've been advised that it's healthy for my dog to be eating chicken bones, but what kind? Cooked or uncooked? Some people have been telling me to be feeding it cooked, yet some other people tell me to feed it uncooked chicken bones. I don't know which…

    What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating?

    I've been advised that it's healthy for my dog to be eating chicken bones, but what kind? Cooked or uncooked? Some people have been telling me to be feeding it cooked, yet some other people tell me to feed it uncooked chicken bones. I don't know which…...
    General Dog Discussions : What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating?...

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    • chicken bones are very bad for your pup dont listen to people say it ok....... do you want a big vet bill or a dead dog?:) i got 5 thumbs down for telling the truth again.......EDIT: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT COOKED OR UNCOOKED IT CAN KILL YOUR DOG IF......... DONT LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLEedit: if you lot feed your dogs chicken bone then you all crazy. i feel sorry for your dogs

    • I don't know who told you your dog should be eating chicken bones but whoever it was needs a bit of education on the subject, you NEVER give a dog chicken bones, they splinter and stick in the throat, my mother in law lost her beloved yorkie after he choked on a chicken bone.

    • NEVER, EVER give a dog cooked bones of any sort. I give my puppies raw chicken necks & wings (and have never had one choke yet in 14 years). I often give my adult dogs raw chicken wings - the calcium from the bones is good for them.

    • Only raw, and not just the bone the meat too. Raw diets done correctly are far healthier than commercial foods. With anything there is risk, hundreds of dogs choke and die kibble, while there is not one documented case of a raw fed dog choking on its food and dying. Not saying it hasn't or can't happen, only that there are far more documented cases of dogs choking on kibble and dying. Let's not even go into recalls, and poor ingredients that most commercial foods use.

    • Definitely RAW. But lots of your answers have told you that. If I knew the size and age of your puppy, I could suggest the parts of a chicken your puppy could be fed. But it's pretty safe to say that a medium sized puppy could be allowed to have chicken wings and necks. A bigger puppy could also have chicken backs. I'd stay away from thigh and leg bones until the puppy is really capable of crunching them up.

    • chicken bones for pupies and dogs are excellent choice of food but make sure you only feed them raw never ever feed them cooked chicken bones we feed all our dogs frames and wings and necks always raw great source of calcium up to 5 times easier to absorb in this way instead of dry food .our dogs are in great condition and the bones will not worry them at all if as i said fed raw

    • I cannot believe the absolute crap that is being written about this post. Millions of dogs live entirely on RAW meat, bones and offal and YES that includes chicken. Raw feeders are just not experiencing the so-called dangers of raw meaty bones. These are just myths and half truths spread by ignoratn people! All that is gained by NOT feeding bones is a dog with periodontal disease which can lead to painful abscesses, organ failure and auto-immune diseases. Why pay a dentist to anaesthetise your dog to clean its teeth when a correct diet with prevent the problem?A lot of people have recommended the feeding of wings and necks - while these provide the nutritional aspect of the bone your dog will not gain the full teeth cleaning aspects of eating a raw meaty bone. Depending on the size of your dog think drumsticks, thighs or quarters instead. The idea is to provide a meal that the dog has to work for! The meat will floss the teeth and massages gums while the bones will scrape the teeth free of plaque and tartar.Please read the attached links as there is heaps of information on feeding your dog a species appropriate raw diet. I would also suggest that the majority of the posters read the MYTHS page!!!!A few people have written about the dangers of choking - I have been researching this for some time and the huge majority of incidents are from toys, rawhide, kibble, socks and cooked or artificial bones - some of the respondents to my questions have even had dogs eat fishing line including hooks!!!. While a dog may very rarely choke on a raw bone it is usually because the meal is too small so is swallowed whole.